Friday afternoon time wastage.

Oct 17, 2008 16:57

I just wasted five minutes due to the realization that the autocomplete feature in Firefox can show me what all I've looked up on Wikipedia since the last time I cleared my history.

It's random, vaguely interesting, and says very little for my sanity, so I'm saving it for posterity.

A anime, Anne of Green Gables, American Graffiti
B bacula, benzoin, Boxcar Willie, Bob Dylan, Boston marriage, bootleg turn
C Cleopatra, Cthulu, Combaticons, Cher
D DN Angel, Dark Angel, desalination, dichroic glass
E Emma Peel
H html, "Houston, we have a problem," Hound, Honor Blackman, Harry S. Truman, holding pattern, "Hard Rock Hallelujah"
J Johnny Cash
K Knight Rider
L Lichtenstein, life, "Long Time Gone"
M Mirage, manual transmission, manga, Major Arcana, moogle
N non sequitur, Nikkei 225, Novocaine, nitrous oxide
P Prince Albert, pig iron
R "Rock Island Line," "Reise, Reise"
S Stonewall, streaker, Shinders, snake, Sandstorm, Scars of Velious, steam locomotive, soapstone
T tequila, The Monkees, The Miller's Tale, Tsu Hsi
W wolf
Y Youtube poop

I don't remember some of these. Truman, for example.

time suck

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