(no subject)

Sep 29, 2008 21:43

I has a paid account! *confetti*

I have two clay pots purchased from the Renaissance Festival. One is raku and colorful and I watched it being born! The other is a deep dark green, very shiny, with the shaping lines very visible so it looks like rippling dark water, and I'm vaguely tempted to arrange it in a tableaux with my grandmother's lotus-decorated sofa (!) and her green glass peacock.

I must take another ceramics class this spring. Flat-out must. I miss it so much.

Also, they had glassblowers, which is awesomeness cubed. The artist in me is jumping up and down, going "I wanna learn!"

Deadlines suck. But they lead to things getting done. Except when they don't, in which case they suck worse.

I have Galvatron dancing around my brain to the tune of "Purple People Eater."

Several years ago I picked up The Bone Doll's Twin, by Lynn Flewellyn. It went into my "to read" pile and stayed there. A few years later I found The Oracle's Queen, the third book in the trilogy, and as that sounded much more interesting, I read it. It was awesome, though a little bit confusing to come into it without the introductions provided by the first two books. At least three moves later, I happened once again upon The Bone Doll's Twin, and read it, and liked it so much that I immediately went out to buy the middle book in the series. Now that I have read both of them, I want to reread The Oracle's Queen, and I can't find it!

naamah_darling carves animal skulls. Don Simpson carves animal skulls (and resin casts thereof). I am enamoured and want to do it also. Alas, it is getting wintery out soon, and what with the nasty nature of bone dust, it is very much an outside pursuit.

I must find myself a lawnmower motor that I can take apart and get some practice figuring out how engines go together. The final goal (at the moment) is to purchase a new-model Mustang or similar sports car that's been damaged in a front-end collision and repair it, so that I have 1) a new-model Mustang, 2) the satisfaction of having a hand in its creation, and 3) the money I would've spent buying it straight from the dealership. Not sure how this works yet; maybe if I time things right I'll get a 50th Anniversary one this way. Meantime, the problem is how to get the necessary mechanical knowledge/experience without too much interference from the resident experts. I have visions of Brother and Uncle doing me a "favor" by fixing things for me, as if that were the goal instead of letting me learn.

Bye nao, must upload userpics.

creativity, musings, life, transformers, brain---wtf?!, art

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