I'll bet Da Vinci never had this problem.

Sep 17, 2008 19:54

Karma is like a friend---one of those awesome friends who are your biggest cheerleader when you're doing good things but doesn't hesitate to smack you one when you do something you should know better than to do.

Yesterday somebody posted about how her kitten walked on her computer's power strip and stepped on the off switch. I responded by gloating that mine was on the side.

So this morning I slid into my chair, slid the chair over, and knocked that convenient side-mounted off switch with the backrest.

So now I'm staring at an empty PhotoShop screen (it doesn't respawn what was up and being worked on), wondering what all I was doing last time. At least I remembered to save, mostly.

Note that I like to multitask, and leave things up and open, the better to flit like a butterfly among whatever projects strike my fancy at a given moment. I know I had at least seven avatars and/or bases up, including a Transformers creative-desaturate series and an iridescent python. Plus a successory and a bumper sticker, and possibly something else.

I'm going to be looking randomly for some other icon and find something I didn't remember making. I wonder if Da Vinci ever had this problem---not with the computer files and power strip, but finding some work of art among his paintings and going, "When did I do this?"

And now I wish I had a time machine so I could place one of Picasso's in among his stuff.

creative uses for time travel, surprise artwork, instant karma, life

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