Renewable gasoline?

Jun 12, 2008 14:35

Oh my fucking Goddess WOW.

From the site:

Sapphire Energy has built a revolutionary platform that uses photosynthetic microorganisms to produce a renewable, high-value replacement for fossil fuel petroleum. This domestic crude oil requires only sunlight, CO2 and non-potable water - and can be produced at massive scale on non-arable land.

Sapphire’s technology and team of renowned experts give the company the unique ability to scale biological systems and produce transportation fuels, including high-octane gasoline, to ASTM certification standards.

The company’s final products will have the same chemical composition as gasoline and will be completely compatible with the existing refining, distribution and fleet infrastructure.

Not ethanol, not biodiesel. Renewable gasoline.

Everybody here knows I love beautiful, fast, gas-guzzling performance cars. And while my real hope is that the percentage of the world that doesn't care what their car runs on so long as it runs well somehow gets switched over to hydrogen fuel cells or electric cars or whatever else works, and leaves the oil reserves to the people who have an emotional investment in the internal combustion engine, it would be really, truly, spectacularly wonderful if this works, if we could have petroleum fuels that are renewable rather than fossil fuels, solar powered and using CO2 without taking land away from food production . . . holy fucking damn, that would be awesome.

Please, please, please, let this be viable.

ooooh shiny!

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