And morning brings consequences.

Sep 01, 2012 12:16

Yesterday morning I got up early and seal-coated the driveway. We used cheap stuff this time, and it doesn't smell as nice (for those of you with normal senses of smell, this refers to the tar-smell that road-paving brings, which I love) as the normal sealant we use. But the driveway is blue-black and pristine and awesome, although still sort of falling apart.

After that, I went over and helped a friend move. This was something of a clusterfuck, as she wasn't all that packed and of course had three kids age three to seven running around, either trying to be helpful or not parsing the concept of "don't play in the walkway while people are carrying bulky furniture out." I kind of wish I'd been paid extra for every time I had to tell a small child to move out of the way so I don't trip over them and go crashing down the stairs with a box full of heavy stuff. Then she had other helpers come over, and they brought their children, and all of a sudden there were six of them, including one baby/toddler still in the crawling stage, so we had to maneuver around a fast crawling baby too young to understand---at least when the others were playing in the walkway they understood the concept of needing to get out of the way when two people came down the hall with a dresser in between them. Oh, and three 3-4-year olds in a group? Translates somewhat magically into "toys, shoes, papers, and other junk land on the stairs a lot," which is a wonderful thing to discover when you've got a giant box obstructing your view.

And worst of all? They played Twilight on the TV to keep the kids occupied. So every time I carried something out I got blasted with Edward scaring Bella, the truck scene, Jacob telling Bella her being with Edward made him sick to think about, random vampires being assholes, et cetera.

On the brighter side, I got to drive a U-Haul truck. Although the times/places for it were a) in rush hour traffic in an unfamiliar urban area, and b) at night, which made it more stressful than it should've been.

Oh, and I conquered my social anxiety and asked the U-Haul people to add on the supplemental insurance at the end of things, when they had to print a new contract to do it, even though I was worried they'd yell at me for not thinking of it sooner. (They didn't. But I can remember a time when I'd have been unable to do that.)

Also I kind of maybe sorta have a job offer for a Halloween haunted village thing.

I worked for sixteen hours all told, all of it physical, came home and slept for ten.

All told, every part of my body is complaining about now.

i should know better

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