Icon Memery

Apr 06, 2012 10:41

Swiped from cazcatharsis

Make a list of all the characters in your icons. (Although you may have more than one icon of a single character, they only go on the list once.) Alphabetize it. Take the first two people on the list; that's your first pairing. Second two people; second pairing, etc. Treat us to some commentary once you're done.

Aayla Secura/Aurra Sing

Great. One's a Jedi, and one's a force-sensitive assassin who hunts Jedi.

Hatesex ahoy!


This would be lovely. They meet on Earth, rivalry grows into something more, competitive sex with a kickin' soundtrack.


This could get interesting. They are twin sisters but neither of them know this, and Chunmyun at that point in the story thinks Deokman is male---which pretense Deokman is prone to forgetting. Hilarity ensues?


This is perhaps more xeno than I care to do, Eben being a cat. That aside, they would most certainly take over the galaxy together.


Generally-annoyed lesbian bounty hunter, and male-seeming easygoing Autobot scout. I'm thinking Grier has a few personality traits similar to Mirage, but a friendship would be as far as they go unless Hound decides to do a gender-bender and produce a female holoform. *contemplates this*

Jazz/Lady Gaga

A match made in Heaven. 'Nuff said, because Gaga's a real person, so I'm not going to write intricate porn starring her.

Megatron (07)/Megatron (G1)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This would be wonderful and beautiful and sexy enough to require hazard gear.


Mirage has never struck me as the type to try xeno . . . but Mikaela's good at making friends and Mirage would certainly enjoy a nice wash and wax . . .

Motormaster/Optimus Prime

One-sided hatesex, and I have no idea where it will go from there. *contemplates*


Discipline kink, anyone? Or perhaps Skywarp catches Prowl? Several ways this could go, but not sure how precisely to get from going somewhere to getting there.

The Snow Queen

Her: "Welcome to the boudoir of the Snow Queen"
Him: "Wow! It's cold in here! Are you really royalty? That's awesome! Got any gooshyfood?"
Her: O_o


This happens quite often, though I don't believe I've gotten around to writing it. I should do that.


Obviously, I need a Beast Wars Megatron icon and a Darth Vader icon. This will eventually be fixed.

By all means, discuss, request, etc. Fic may come of it.

i want pr0n, meme, crack

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