Writer's Block: Poetry Break

Jan 15, 2012 18:59

Sunlight glittery on the crystalline snow
Sunlight devastating-brilliant like
Looking into Heaven
Sunlight dazzling on the rippling waters of
This or that lake or
This or that river
Sunlight calming against my closed eyelids
Sunlight warm against my skin as I lie quiet
Basking in the long rectangles
Light spilled through the window
Light pooled on sun-warm carpet cushion bed
Light heating the fur of lazing cats
Purr purr purr and stretch out in the sunlight
Curl up in the warm brightness and
Sleep laze rest relax
Nothing so needs doing but
Caring for oneself
Quiet peaceful comfort-seeking bliss
Come relax in the sunlight
Which is for beauty for luxuriant rapture
For the time when just being
Is all that needs be done.

writer's block, poetry

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