Happy New Year and all that jazz.

Jan 01, 2012 00:26

It's 11:51 PM and I've got a shot glass of gin and a shot glass of white tequila ahead of me and I've lost track of which is which.

No, cancel that. The gin is the one that tastes like being bitchslapped by a pine tree.

Coolstorybro: a few years ago I went on this geology field studies class trip to the Black Hills, and we stopped at a rest stop in South Dakota and wandered off into the bush where there were juniper bushes and agave-type plants.

Professor: *points at juniper* "Can anybody tell me what this plant is?"
Me: "Juniper!"
Professor: "And what does juniper provide us with?"
Me: "Gin!"
Professor: "Exactly. And what do we call this plant?" *points at agave*
Me: "Tequila!"

Also, it just snowed feathers a few hours ago---snowflakes two and three inches across. It was awesome, and the ground now looks like giant popcorn ceiling.

Contemplating resolutions/goals, which might be either a good or a bad idea when somewhat drunk. So far I've got the following:

Build a hammered dulcimer and learn to play it.
Practice the clarinet 3x a week.
Learn to play the frame drum.
Work on at least one artistic endeavor every day.
Build a kiln.
Submit to at least four juried art shows, apply to have at least one solo show, and sell stuff in at least one art fair.
Go to the gym 3x a week. Go to at least one aerobic class a week.
Try out lampwork beadmaking and metal clay.
Run in a 5k event.
Go kayaking, mountain/trail biking, and rock climbing regularly as the climate permits.
Post regularly.
Start posting images of my artwork and samples of my poetry to LJ and Facebook and so forth.
Write at least one chapter or short story of fanfic per week. And post it.
Write at least one chapter or short story of original fic per week.
Join a square dance club.
Get my steam engine hobby license.
Reshingle the roof on the house.
Take a glassblowing class.

snow feathers, drunk post, a day well lived

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