Swiped from ultharkitty

Dec 11, 2010 13:43


So. Finals are over, school is done for the semester, and we're having what could be a Snowpocalypse here, except that since it's the Midwest and we get that shit all the time, it's more like a Saturday . . . anyway, upshot is that I've got some free time, and I've been contemplating for the last week doing an Awesome Day meme . . . specifically for Motormaster.

So, I'm taking prompts for Motormaster's Awesome Day. Motormaster has 24 hours in his Awesome Day, and in each of them something totally awesome can happen. So for each prompt claimed, you get an hour of Motormaster's time to request that something happen.

It doesn't have to be awesome for him---in fact, it tends to be more awesome for us if it isn't.


1) Following ultharkitty's lead, you can request up to five slots; I'll open it up for more if need be.
2) Prompt should include a timeslot, prompt or theme, and any other characters you want to include, if applicable.
3) Yes, I'll write porn. Happily. I will not write noncon, angst, or darkfic. Violence is OK (it is Motormaster, after all), but nobody's going to die.*
4) Motormaster will be ON DUTY from midnight to noon, and OFF DUTY from noon to midnight. We can say he has tomorrow off, because I think he might come find me and step on me if I make him go right back on duty afterwards.
5) My Motormaster is regularly 'facing his team and has an enemies-with-benefits thing going on with Silverbolt (to the point that Moto is at least a little bit careful of Silverbolt's team, so if prompts include the Aerialbots, it's not going to be as straight enemies). He can also be 'facing whoever you want to prompt me with---in fact, I encourage it. Vortex, Megatron, Starscream, Onslaught, Ramjet . . . whoever.
6) I highly encourage inanity, stupidity, shenanigans, and anything else conducive to hilarity.
7) Prompts immediately follow one another and are limited to what can believably happen in one hour. If you want to have something that takes longer, claim a block of prompts for me to work with. Transit time is a factor---I'll exercise artistic license to get him as far as the Autobot base in a short time period, but no sending him to Florida or the Middle East or the moon.
8) Verse is G1.

*I don't think. Unnamed, terminally stupid human OCs may be fair game to bite it, especially if I get a prompt like "10:00 AM: some teenagers decide it'd be fun to shoot at the semi with a slingshot."

So! I think that's everything. Prompt away!

12:00 (midnight) - escaped squishy prisoners running amok! (ultharkitty)
1:00 AM - dragging Breakdown from wherever... (casha)
2:00 AM - Trying to catch a quick nap (TV)
3:00 AM - collided with by flirty Ramjet (caia)
4:00 AM - Gets a Private Message from Silverbolt. (TV)
5:00 AM - runs into Optimus Prime. (moogle)
6:00 AM - making sure Vortex stays in the brig. (ultharkitty)
7:00 AM - getting pranked by Rumble (eerian_sadow)
8:00 AM - sneaking a quick refueling break. (moogle)
9:00 AM - Starscream makes a comment ('mesia)
10:00 AM - Getting Wildrider out of trouble with another gestalt (eerian_sadow)
11:00 AM - Nothing's going to happen, I think I'll knock off early today. (moogle)
12:00 (noon) - called to Megatron's quarters (caia)
1:00 PM
2:00 PM - Interlude with Skywarp (casha)
3:00 PM - 3PM "Captures" Silverbolt. (TV)
4:00 PM - receives advice from Onslaught (caia)
5:00 PM - receives advice from Scrapper (caia)
6:00 PM - Has a voyeuristic streak as Silverbolt gets it on with his team ('mesia)
7:00 PM - walking in on something he'd really rather not have seen (ultharkitty)
8:00 PM - try out this whole 'Mario Kart' thing. (artoni)
9:00 PM
10:00 PM - Stunticon orgy (caia)
11:00 PM - Time for some RnR, with the nice jet pillow. (TV)

prompt me people, transformers, fic

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