(no subject)

May 16, 2010 21:09

Brother and his friend are in the backyard trying to hit plastic golf balls over the roof. The cats are watching with great interest as they mostly roll down the roof and fall in front of the (rear-facing) dining room window. The house is just slightly short of "hot and sticky" and I have the windows open; the irises are blooming and the parts of the gardens populated with perennials are gorgeous. It feels like the first day of summer.

I have class in the morning.

At seven-thirty, this after an hour and ten minutes' worth of commuting. I don't know what I was thinking. Although to be fair, I sometimes have trouble getting up for them when they start at one PM.

Went to Grandma's for the weekend. Mowed her gigantic lawn, which was a group effort involving four lawnmowers. Jump-started mine all by myself (first jump start un-assisted by 1)other people and 2)a user manual). Came in afterwards soaked with motor oil and gasoline and covered in grass ends and dandelion seeds, with muscles I didn't know I had aching (from pushing the (rider) lawnmower halfway back to the shed, then thinking better of it and carrying the battery over to it, then later helping pull* one of the other (also rider) mowers out of the ravine where it had gotten stuck) and loving it. Tomorrow I will likely be coated in clay dust again.

I am the weirdest person I know.

Next time I order books I will just go to the store and buy them instead. Free shipping is trending solidly towards "worth what I paid for it" due to three-days-and-counting of realizing that I could drive up to the store and have it inside an hour, except then I'd be paying for it twice.

*for a value of "pull" that involved one mower (half the size of the stuck mower and lacking the ability to climb hills without getting stuck itself) pulling at the stuck mower on a chain, while I pushed at the pulling mower trying to help it move. I have NO explanation for how this worked.

real life, facepalm, a day well lived

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