December update thingy.

Dec 27, 2009 20:31

Holy shit, almost a month without posting on the journal? Bad Kyra.

I have either nothing to say, or far too much to say, so, bullets:

* I have two A's, one B, and one B- for fall semester. I am very happy with this. Apparently my research papers were especially good, which is, well, awesome, considering how much work I put into the lacustrine-environments one.

* Ceramics was the B, and in the final critique we discussed strategy in terms of what I needed in terms of structure in the class next semester; result is, I now have deadlines every two weeks or so for how much stuff I'm supposed to get done. This will hopefully be an improvement on the tendency I had to let work pile up at the last minute for the two due dates I had this semester.

* Next semester I have Renaissance art history, painting, ceramics, and sculpture. And portfolio review, which sort of scares me.

* Was dragged to my aunt's place for the family Christmas party yesterday. Was surprisingly tolerable, although she only talked to me three times and all three were to brusquely snap at me over something; on the plus side, I was in a social mood, not too sleepy (Mom does not like me sleeping at family gatherings and tends to wake me up at random points and otherwise make me physically uncomfortable), and my cousin who's a truck driver was there. We had a nice talk; unfortunately his truck was not there as it apparently has a tendency to get stuck on the road out there in winter, but I'll get to see it one of these days.

* I have an MP3 player now, which is cool (albeit the default screensaver is annoying as fuck and I have no idea how to turn it off), and an iTunes gift card, which hopefully I can find some file-conversion software---I would have to burn the songs to CD and rip them off in MP3 format for them to play on a non-iPod, and my computer has not consented to burn anything in about three years. Still looking into that.

* It appears that it is Norton Antivirus that is preventing various of my programs from accessing the internet. I don't recall doing anything with Norton Antivirus since the subscription ran out four years ago and I replaced it with AVG. It is, apparently, quite hard to remove. I am less than happy. One of the programs it blocks is SketchUp, so I can't add furniture models into the houses I make.

* Scanner is apparently dead. Or at least having an almighty sulk. Not sure yet.

life, computer woes

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