Writer's Block: Memo to Myself

Aug 10, 2009 14:18

Watch Transformers. Avoid romance novels like the plague; if you want porn, go to the internet and read fanfiction. There is internet available at the library. All those places you think you somehow don't have the right to be? You do, and what's more, you belong there sometimes. The classmates who harass you in your shop classes are of less worth than the sawdust and the slag; they will always think you inferior to them because they like that illusion, but they are wrong and stupid and you can ignore them---really ignore them---without consequences. The arc welder will not electrocute you.

Be an artist from the get-go; fuck what's "practical." Take PSEO classes, they're free. Spend your first couple years at technical college, learn to fix cars, get that mechanical skill you lust after.

Don't be in a rush to run off from home; I know it feels stifling at times, but there is love and support there. Learn to be yourself inside your head, to satisfy you during those times when you can't be yourself out loud. On the other hand, don't avoid independence altogether; foolish choices are expensive, but you got a cat out of it. (Speaking of which, spend time with Calico; hell, spend time with all of your cats. Their lives are short; make them as rich as possible.)

Talk to a therapist about your overkill shyness the first time it threatens your scholastic performance. Get it made manageable early. Use your home address, the one you've had for two decades, on your credit card applications, but don't use having credit as an excuse to use it. Apply for a job at Barnes and Noble when it moves and expands, or get one at Jiffy Lube, or better yet, make use of that technical school I recommended and be a mechanic. Do this before fall of 2008, and whatever you do, whatever job you have, don't put ANYTHING in the stock market before March of 2009. Buy Ford the instant GM declares bankruptcy; it'll quadruple in a few months. Then diversify.

You're bisexual, and this is perfectly fine and wonderful, but don't tell Mom and Dad. You're also probably polyamorous; definitely don't tell them this one. You don't need to TELL people things about you at all, to announce that you are X, Y, Z, A, and B. Just live it; you have nothing to prove to anyone, although gay pride events are fun. Most importantly, you don't need a significant other to give your life meaning, and in fact, if your life doesn't have meaning on its own, you shouldn't be having or looking for someone else to provide it. That's stupid, unfair to both of you, and makes you too dependent on the other person. Stay single until you understand this.

Don't straighten your hair. Grow it long, and the waves will get weighed down by themselves. And don't dye it; the color will stop annoying you and you'll actually, at some point, start to like it.

Enjoy driving. Throw a fit when the Mercury stops working; insist on driving that last trip home, or try to, and then insist on trying to fix the ignition on your own. Go online and figure out how to fix it. Maybe you'll succeed, maybe you won't, but the loss of the Mercury is not the end of the world. (What I said about the cats up above, however, goes here too.) Get a motorcycle, a crotch rocket, not a Harley, because that's what you'll keep liking. Don't jump for an older Camaro when GM discontinues the new ones; they'll start up again in 2009 with the loveliest model yet.

Make yourself create, be it writing or any kind of art. You have a tendency to think about creating things instead of doing so. Get over this. Women's studies in a classroom is a poor fit for you. Don't buy DVDs, you don't watch them often. Invest in good antivirus programs, and back up what you create; have writings stored on flash drives and archived online somewhere. Don't put yourself in the position of losing anything should the computer suffer massive failure.

Don't be so shy about initiating IM chats. There's no reason you HAVE to wait until someone else messages you; maybe sometimes they're waiting for you to message them. Also, gather your courage and join a Transformers RP. RPing is cool, and you don't do it enough.

Write down your daydreams, the conversations you write in your head. They are really cool, and you don't remember them well enough.

Good luck.

writer's block

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