But I thought I'd update just because. For some reason it does entertain me to share my boredom with the rest of the world.
And I did have the day from hell last week, so you should all read about that!
Let's see...it was last monday, I had to work (as usual) and so had to wake up at nine in order to make it to the store on time. I flew out of bed at 8:55, firmly convinced that it had to be at least ten, if not eleven, and the phone was going to start ringing with my boss demanding to know why I hadn't shown up yet.
Of course, after a glance at the clock I managed to calm my racing heart and flop back over. Blaming the entire incident on an overabundance of sunshine sneaking through the room-darkening blinds and solar-shades I have on my window.
Light is evil, anyone who knows me is at least somewhat familiar my aversion to it.
Anyway, I managed to get myself moving once more and tugged on clothes so that I could head out. There was nothing worth eating in the kitchen so a gatorade and a couple pieces of toast became breakfast and I headed out to the car.
Which then refused to start.
Stupid car.
It turned out the battery was just upset with me and it started on the next attempt. I made it to work, five minutes later than I was supposed to but still before they officially opened the doors, and was greeted by two of the guys who also work there, standing in front of the doors and looking like idiots.
They hadn't called the office to tell someone to let them in yet.
Three minutes later I was running, in two inch heels, to the breakroom for clock in and then to the cash office for morning supplies (of which I needed many,) after a quick (and unpleasant) talk with Kim.
All registers in place, everything counted, and the doors open, we're ready to start the day!
Surprise, surprise, the customers were unpleasant, the children were everywhere, and things were a complete and utter mess. As usual, I was the only person who knew how to operate a broom, so I got to clean all the register bays. And nothing wanted to total up like it was supposed to. Apparently whoever was supposed to have put the sales into the computer screwed up. Because a good half of them weren't.
I finally get to go to lunch (a half-hour late) only to be bombarded with bad, noisy television and an unusual smell from the garbage can. At least my food was decent.
Back from lunch and the chaos continues. I'm the only cashier there, or at least I may as well be. Poor Judy is anxious about her upcoming Doctors appt and her sister is heading in to town to stay with her. Once said sister arrives, Judy is socializing (not that I blame her) and I'm more or less by myself. They should have just given the poor woman the day off. She was going in for heart tests the next morning and didn't the stress of being at Steinhell.
And now, as if things haven't been bad enough, the power goes out. We find everyone, manage to bring order to the chaos, and put a great many things on hold. Everyone is cranky and upset, some people want to do manual purchases, which we did where possible, and we had a wonderful time explaining that shoes can't be rung up without the use of registers. DSW will not allow it.
What a nightmare. Do you have any idea how close people stand when you're adding up receipts without the aid of a register? Or even a decent calculator?
Oh yes, all of the calculators dissappeared. I managed to find a tiny one that barely worked in order to work out percentages.
And of course, my hovering customers probably haven't bathed in a week and don't know the meaning of the word 'deodorant' or 'toothpaste.'
It was unpleasant to say the least.
But once we got everyone out, we sat around for about twenty minutes until the lights came back on.
They went out three more times before I left. Barely providing enough time to add up my register and discover that nothing was balancing because someone hadn't reset the totals the night before. But at least THAT was no longer my problem. The managers told me to go and I didn't wait around. Hit the doors running, rejoiced when the POC started up without complaint...and spent thirty dollars filling a fourteen gallon tank.
Such pain....
The rest of the day was spent hiding in my room lest something jump out of the shrubbery and try to eat me.
And then there was Teds birthday, which was enjoyable, if exhausting. Sixteen year olds are scary....and have way too much energy. But riding in the back of a limo was fun. I liked not being the one driving for once, even if I did have to corral a pair of teenage boys a few times.
They liked scaring the norms...
But she seemed to have a good time, which is most important of all.
But now I really have to go to class. If I'm late Sensei will kill me..and I'd like to avoid that.