and I have never been so happy to be out of work. This sale was a nightmare! None of the discounts went into the system correctly so we spent Friday correcting them. Had a small mountain of paperwork by the time it was over. And of course, spent half the night in the ladies department, helping them clean up and put away the piles of clothing that people left in the dressing rooms, on the floor, hanging from the racks...
People are slobs.
Saturday wasn't so bad, or maybe I should make that, wasn't so busy. For all the Friday was a zoo, Saturday was practically dead. And a good thing too, was so worn out after Preview day that I probably would have killed a few people had it been the same.
And not being there today is a blessing. They have to get the store as perfectly neat and tidy as it was last Monday (a feat that was only accomplished because we stayed until nearly nine-o-clock last Sunday straightening) by Wednesday, because managers from all over the country are going to be showing up to see our new layout.
Why are we so frickin' special??
*shakes her head*
There was one highlight to the weekend, I found out yesterday that I'm Employee of the Month, and that I got a commendation on our last Mystery Shopper Review. So there's a 50 gift card in my pocket just waiting to become Moms birthday present, and there will be a twenty-dollar check with my name on it sometime in the next couple of weeks.
All in all, it could be worse...and of course, today is food day. Quite looking forward to that!
On a different note, here's a quiz that I snagged from Ted.
You are a nature loving anime girl.You love all
types of animals and care for them.You are a
calm person and loves to have people around.You
love to be outside just admiring your
surroundings and playing with the animals that
are around.Now just if you keep loving the
nature pretty soon everyone is going to copy
you maybe i'm really not sure.But do what you
do best and it will soon pay off ^_^
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by
Quizilla Okay, so I love animals. But I can't stand people, I don't want everyone to copy me, and your grammar sucks!