Behold! For I have returned to both the internet and LiveJournal at long last.
*spots someone attempting to run away and grabs them by the collar*
Just where do you think you're going? Sit!
I still have no life but it seems that a few of you have actually wondered what I've been doing lately so here goes.
There was school, then work, then a little more school. Then school ended, I got a B in Japanese and a recommendation from Garner-sensei to take the next segment. Yay!
Then there was a month of 'vacation.' Yeah, right. I don't get vacation, I get more work. Longer hours, up earlier, out later, less time to eat and rest, and infinitely more annoying customers. I am rapidly coming to despise the holiday season. It is so very much not for me.
But then Christmas came...and it snowed. Yes, you heard me, it snowed. I live in south-west Texas. This is not something that should ever happen. Especially seeing as how I hate snow and had rather hoped to never see it coating the hood of my car. Unfortunately for me, the white death seemed to know exactly how I feel about it because my car was the whitest in the lot. Even after my boss grabbed me by the wrist, dragged me out into the cold and damp, and made me make a snowball. I threw it at her.
The holiday itself was nice, there were presents, and food, and nasty evil snow on the roof and lawn. The first white Christmas of my life. How amusing.
Then there was more work, punctuated by a lovely visit from Matt. Now there was a wonderful week, restful and happy, and far far too short. Oh well, at least I'll get to see him again in a month or two. Really looking forward to Spring Break for the first time....ever.
And now I'm back in school, saying goodbye to me truly free days and hello to endless hours of studying. But at least my classes should be decent. I already know what to expect from Sensei, and my algebra professor speaks clear and coherent english and appears to be relatively sane.
Wish me luck!!
…I didn’t know you could kill that many people with a muppet…
I’m suddenly very afraid of myself.
Oooh…I do like Charlie…
I killed Viggo Mortensen with a necklace….a tacky necklace. Right then…
You scored as Samwise. You're Samwise Gamgee! Samwise the brave is the most loyal friend that you could ever ask for. He'll be there for you through thick and thin, and be willing to do anything for you.
"There is some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."
Which LOTR character are you?created with Right then. People who know me and actually agree with this, please raise your hands!