Well, its hour 18, or 13 if I want to get technical since I started a bit late.
So far I've read one book, Haunted Greenville, and I'm over halfway done with the next, Carpathia, which is a fictional horror story that occurs during the rescue of survivors from the Titanic. All in all almost 500 pages read, which isn't a ton.
But through it all, I've had companions. One of which, LiaveEkeli is participating from Norway. Of course, our reading has probably gone a bit slower because we discuss our reads among other things, but still, its fun reading with a friend on a different continent. The magic of the internet.
My other companion(s) are of the animal variety. Rock joined me briefly. Rock is a 20 year old cockatiel that's yellow and white. However, since it was getting late and quite dreary out, he became cranky and retired to his cage for sleep.
My furry companion, Citabria (Sit-ah-bree-uh She's named after an aerobatic plane) has been with me all day. She's quite pleased as long as we take snack breaks for treats and as long as she can curl up beside me on the bed. And of course, she wants to be cuddled and loved on in between naps!
Here she is, approving of my tote full of books.
Such a supportive kitty!