"He saw exactly what kind of eternity was obligingly and inexorably spread out before him."

Apr 06, 2005 20:52

Hey, everyone. Sorry to bother you all with this, but just a couple reminders. First off, we're sending the book out (fingers, hearts, legs, everything crossed) to the printer by the end of this week, so if you've been accepted to SEEDS and haven't turned in your 25 word bio yet--please please PLEASE give it to me tomorrow or at the very latest early Friday!! This is extremely important.

And secondly, everyone, the third and final [shift] is next Friday, April 15th at the Armory Art Center from 6-9!!! We will be having an incredible fashion show, two great bands, a DJ, a bring your own art exhibit, and an Interpretations exhibit (visual and writing coming together). It's free and a blast and your last chance to experience [shift] this year. Spread the word if possible.

Thanks all!
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