Fixed it..

Dec 11, 2004 01:10

I got my internet back up w00t w00t.. I don't get what was wrong with it.. Just had to keep restarting till it fully restored.. Well today.. Was good until about lunch when Kendra went home sick :( I love you baby I am sorry you got sick. Well Me and Ryan are winning in 4th period in 25,000$ pyramid. We got like 3 words that we had actually studied to it was cool. Well when I got home from school I was out of it kept falling asleep, but I got over it. I fixed my internet then we had to go to Outback Steak house.. I jugged down 3 full cups of tea and well it came back up and I feel like shit since.. :( Got to play some starcraft tonight it was fun.


I did a 2v2 with some random pub guy that was actually quite decent. We almost won but he got dropped.
Then I 1v1 Rob. Protoss vs Zerg and well he won but barely.. I had 130 APM to his 114 APM >.< So there we go again that APM has nothing to do with winning... Didn't learn any new tactics... :(

**A-21** Internet is to bad for cs tonight..

Going to see if I can stay at Bucky's tomorrow.. Should be fun. I really want to see Kendra tomorrow, if I am not still throwing up..

I made a logo for Chris/Sean's movie, it was an awesome logo but they had to be picky.. And they aren't even giving me anything for it.. But its all cool more work on my Jasc Skills...

Well I am off you sleep..

SD(s) everyone~
->Defiant Angel<-
I love Kendra

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