Nov 23, 2009 11:12
oh god shoot me how is this happening.
I told my friend to beat his coworkers' asses until one of them confessed. Y'know, Spanish Inquiry style. Because SOMEONE gave him a bug to carry, thus all I've gotten of rest out of a night is maybe an hour and a half.
On top of that, I had the brainchild to try and get a livestream account. Get closer to the people, mstk some really bad porn and/or poorly-done GONZO work. Cause it's Thanksgiving break so what the hell else WILL I do. It runs everything else just fine...hates my video play. Can't figure out if it's a codec on my side, or file conversion on their side. And internet tutorials ain't what they used to be. Hilarious that everyone can review and praise a product, but I can't find a sight that bitches about bugs and fixes to it. :I
Well, not going to sleep anytime soon. The search for the Holy Grail* continues.
*damned shame it is. New F/SN comm and I'm just too stretched thin to entertain the thought of joining. sigh.
jane stop this crazy thing,
annual visitors suck,
go to sleep kyp