Title: The Prophet and The Peasant.
Chapter: 6/X
inbrilliantgrey Genre: AU, Angsty, Romance.
Pairing: Kyo/Toshiya & DiexShinya KaoruxKyoxToshiya
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: SEX. lol. Sorta? Ill do a graphic chapter eventually. And Language.
Summary: A bleak New Years after a happy Christmas
Disclaimer: I dont own them, but they own my bank account :X
Notes: This chapter is going to be my possible absolute favorite. It includes a drunk Toshiya for the first time and OMFG a surprise!!
Comment please ;D
The new year was on the brink of rebirth at this time, and everyone had easily settled at Kaorus apartment waiting to ring in the new year together. The TV was set to the local news for the timer and Die had brought a few bottle of alcohol. The snow had ceased falling this evening, but the ground was still white. The remnants of Christmas festivities dwindled as people prepared for the coming of the new year. Everyone seemed so happy; However, for me, this cheery gathering was rather depressing.
Christmas, of course, was heavenly. I wont deny it any longer to myself or anybody. Kyo was a prophet. Amazing on so many damn levels...
And Everyone knew I knew. Shinya confronted me only moments after my return to his home, knowing that there was only one person I could be out with, and I spilled everything. Die of course found out and teased Kyo about it about one drunken hour ago. So now I sit in my bubble of sadness, as I am being punished.
Kyo had disappeared with Kaoru into thier...or what was previously thier bedroom for a long time now. I was dead sure they were back together and my chances were fluttered away out the chilly window.
Shinya realized what had happened the instant it did, smacking Die on the arm violently and going to Kyo to speak with him. The entire time the blonde stared me down angrily. I wasn't supposed to breath a word to anyone, and I broke his trust.
Shinya looked at me, my face buried in one of Kaorus purple couch pillows. "Its going to be alight. They're probably just chatting privately."
I peeked one brown eye up, my eyebrow arched in a "yeah right" stage. I knew better, and so did he.
Die giggled, handing me a shot of tequila. "Lets just get fucked up Toshibabe!" He nearly tripped himself on the glass coffee table handing me the heart shaped shot glass (Why did he have a heart shaped shot glass anyway?) and I took the bitter shot.
At first it burned, bringing my eyes to tears, then my boy began to tingle so lightly. I had never drank before, and this feeling was so sweet.
I smiled at Die, breathing, "May I have another?" and watching as he poured it slowly. I downed the shot again, heat filling my throat, then took another Things were already getting blurry, and I think I could get used to emptying the feeling this way. It was so....free. So empty.
I laughed and Die turned on the radio, me standing and doing a clumsy pirouette around the floor, then falling to my hands and knees. This time I grabbed the bottle and just took a drink from it, realizing that I was feeling very good at this point.
Die helped my up, almost falling on top of me, but we were stopped mid dance by a re-entering Kyo and Kaoru, both seeming solemn.
Kyo laughed loudly as he saw us stumbling across the floor then took a shot of his own.
The blonde then poured five little shots of tequila, one for each of us, then handed it to all of us, even my gone self, "To the success of Dir en grey!" he called, then downed the magic liquid.
A few moments passed, and then I don't remember midnight,
My entire body hurt.
Why was I naked?
This is Kaorus bed....
I'm not alone!
..."Mm. Toshi....."
Huh? Kyo??
The little blonde was equally de-clothed, and curled up in my arms. I had no clue what as going on here, really. I turned away from him, prepared to climb out of kaorus large bed, Kyo curling into a ball as I released him and turned away, but I turned into another figure, also very naked.
The boy with purple hair fluttered his eyes open then pressed his lips to mine.
"Woah...what?!" I breathed, wanting to push away, but I was trapped between Kyo and Kaoru, both nude.
"I didn't know you were so brave, Totchi." Kaoru laughed, sitting up and lighting up a smoke. I crawled over him and found my boxers on the floor sliding them on then turning to look at him my hairsprayed hair now a flairing mess.
"Well, I walked in on you sucking Kyos dick, but then I joined in, and we had a threesome. You're the one who suggested it anyway." He took another long drag, then breathed out looking at me, "Don't tell me you don't remember?" He laughed then put the cigarette out, then got out of bed.
I walked out of the room my head splitting open, then the sudden need to vomit hit me. I darted to the bathroom, seeing Die and SHinya curled up in the tub together. I wanted to laugh but nasty shit raped my stomach until I opened my mouth over the toilet to set it free.
"Ugh..." I moaned into the white throne, then sat up flushing the toilet. I ventured into the kitchen, where Kaoru was making coffee.
"Hey Toshiya, come here, I need to talk to you."
I walked to him, hesitant at first. He seemed serious. He handed me a cup, then smiled, "Just so you know, Kyo and I are done for good. I know about Christmas too."
I lowered my head like a guilty animal hiding my shame. I ruined his relationship, and here he was smiling at me.
"I need you to take him."
I jerked my head up, utterly shocked at this statement,
"He needs you. I'm just not able to handle his antics."
I was blown away, he had just given up, paving the way for me. FUCK, he TOLD me to go after Kyo.
"Just letting you know, he isn't going to come to you very easily. But I watched him last night I could tell he was entranced by you."
I smiled a little, feeling proud. I couldn't help it.
"Yeah, but then I made you my bitch and more laughed." Kaoru laughed loudly, then took another drink of his coffee.
"Gee. Thanks Kao."