Kyouya/Kaoru Fifteen themes.

Nov 22, 2009 19:06

Title: Fifteen Paragraphs.

Summary: Kyouya/Kaoru drabbles. For my OTP, and this awesome community.

A/N: Meh, I hope you all like it. These are random words I picked out of the blue. So its not really an official thing. These themes that is. Well, enough about me. On to the fic!


#1-Easy- It’s not difficult, really, to tell which twin is who, when one pair of their amber eyes are constantly lighted with passion, and the other's is more carefully mellow. It’s just that, before the Host Club, no one ever bothered to look. And to this day Kaoru treasures the fact that it was Kyouya who was the first to point out that particular difference the very first time someone asked him how he told them apart.

#2-Blood Pressure- Kyouya's team is extremely surprised when they see their master set out of his room awake and his usual calm self no less than seven in the morning. They, however, are intelligent enough to put two and two together, when the younger of the Hitachiin twins came out too, trailing just a few steps from the Ootori, a beatific smile on his face.

#4-Oneesan- Ootori Fuyumi, by nature, was very protective over her youngest brother. She had a whole list of things her little brother's future mate had to, and could not, be, and the little Hitachiin did not fit in her list at all. But as she sighed over another messed up attempt at sorting out Kyouya's (already impeccably neat) dresser, she was interrupted by a soft smile, amber eyes, and an offer to help. After spending the rest of the afternoon in his company. She threw her list out of her little metaphorical window, and started planning the wedding.

#5-Oniisan- Hitachiin Hikaru, by nature, was very protective of his younger (by six minutes) twin. If it were up to him, Kaoru would have taken the oath of chastity, and never talk to, let alone look at, a girl for the rest of his life. Girls were vicious creatures, and diabolically complicated. Kyouya, however, was not a girl, though he was viciously diabolically complicated. Hikaru resigned reluctantly, when he saw how happy his brother was, and started planning the bachelor party.

#6-Bit- "Haruhiiii~" Tamaki whined "I accidentally bit my finger, now it hurrrrtssss." Haruhi rolled her eyes "Go get a plaster or something sempai." Tamaki pouted "Kiss it better?" Haruhi sighed, but did it anyway, just to shut her boyfriend up. Kaoru watched the proceedings with interest "Ne, Kyouya-sempai?" "Hmm?" "I bit my tongue at lunch today."

#7-Tables- Hikaru watched the tables being turned, as he and his twin's situation changed. It was all he could do, to hug his brother, and tell him he would always be there to root for him.

#8-Thousand- Kyouya, for all his abilities, would never-in a thousand years-understand how Kaoru could, with a sly smile and a surprisingly intelligent retort, make the youngest Ootori stop and acknowledge that maybe the Hitachiin youngest was not as flighty as he seemed.

#9-Motion- Hani seemed to be fine in his high heels, being trained in the art of balance the most part of his life. Tamaki, having to have learned etiquette and posture since a young age, had gotten used to the things after the first few tries. The real pros, though, were the Hitachiin twins. Even Kyouya had to admit, the brothers really knew how to move like girls. Swaying and sashaying sassily in a death-defying, gravity-rebelling manner in their stilettos.

Kaoru caught his eye, winking with a smirk on his made-up face as he slinked over to where Kyouya was, in his sensibly more comfortable pumps.

"Coward." Kaoru muttered lowly, a smirk on his face.

Kyouya promptly wiped the expression off Kaoru's face, when he gave the younger twin a slow once over. Murmuring that he looked good in a dress and this was why the redhead bottomed.

#10-Misunderstanding- Hikaru clung onto his brother, glaring at their bespectacled sempai. Tamaki was a ways away, whimpering at his corner. Kyouya sighed; massaging the bridge of his nose, as Kaoru patiently explained that it wasn't what it had looked like at all. Ember met onyx, as Kaoru managed to placate his older and very protective brother. Embers' owner smirked. No, of course not. They kept secrets better than that.

#11-Sexless- The reason Kyouya didn't get revenge on Tamaki for that particular jibe, was that it was, frankly, true. He did get some satisfaction, however, when he proved the Club's president right. Kaoru wasn't actually so naive as to think they would never be found out, was he?

#12-Sceme- Kyouya was, at his worse, a manipulative scheming mastermind. At his best, he was a manipulative scheming mastermind. The only difference was whether you were his ally or enemy. As the Host Club witnessed another unfortunate, in the wrong place and wrong time. Hikaru grudgingly added the fact that Kyouya would never hurt Kaoru by hurting him to the older twin's 'why Kyouya maybe, could, probably, with a slight chance be almost good enough for my brother' list.

#13-One- Hikaru would always be number one on his list, too afraid of the crushing loneliness. Gain would always be prioritized on Kyouya's, too cynical to believe in a human's capacity of loving forever. Neither would choose their lover over their number one. But as Kaoru did everything in his power to make sure everything he did was beneficial to Kyouya. And with Kyouya secretly discussing with Hikaru about how to go about 'sharing' Kaoru. Their number one was being pushed out, slowly and surely, to make way for the end of loneliness. And the beginning of a thing named trust.

#14-Life- Is fleeting as a fire. Was Kyouya's opinion on the subject. Should be enjoyed to the fullest. Was Kaoru's. Kyouya took one, last, look at the gravestones of the Hitachiin brothers-both having perished in a car crash-and allowed himself, for a sliver of a second, to feel a slight comfort that he had been part of this fire's happiness. Even if for a little while.

#15-Sempai- Legs crossed and dangling, skirt barely reaching the knees, the glint in his eye belying the innocent school-girl look on his face. Kyouya couldn't help his matching smirk, as he tugged his tie loose, and locked the door.

"Sempai." Kaoru purred from the table, leaning forward "I'm terribly sorry, but I can't seem to work out this little problem of mine. Would you mind teaching it to me again?"

"Which one did you forget?"

Kaoru's Cheshire grin grew wider "Everything."


rating: pg13, rating: pg, fanfic

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