hoho, it's been quit a while again XD
I missed to write after bookfair and now it is already past a month... which is 4 weeks *legasp*
my apology
you may noticed that I changed my header... yes, 12012 is gone... sadly but Suga is now in a new band
but I will get over it... someday *sob*
back to bookfair
all in all the bookfair was fun but this year was not as good as last one
not enought time for everything and I couldn't go on sunday ;___;
therefor I missed the chilling part of the bookfair and my shopping time >___<°
however, there are things I want to share with you
at first...
I met Fero Andersen XD
it was so random XD
we were taking photos and suddenly he was standing next to us and asked if we would do an interview
Frau_Holle(you can see her on the left side of the photo) ran away after hearing that so only Haru_Neko(my cosplaypartner) and me did the interview
and after that there were CATs every where XD
awsome costumes and make up, they looked like they just came from stage
this year as well I meet up with my forum members
wenn ihr Deutsch könnt und Lust habt auf eine ilustre Runde, die gern über Anime Manga aber auch Gott und die Welt redet, schaut doch mal vorbei: Das
Japanworld-Forum freut sich über neue Mitglieder
one of our members even made cookies in the shape of our cosplays ♡
this was mine:
it looked better when I got it XD but after hours of travelling an being packed away in a hot bag it still lookes good, didn't it?
easter also came around and I spent it at home...
bad idea. instead of a quiet hollyday there was 3 celebrations in a row...
from Friday to Sunday I was on the roll and on Monday I had to return to university ;___;
sadly no pictures because I left my cam at home but I got a picture of the giant bell-bunny
it is the image of the Lindt bunny, a choclate bunny with a bell on a red band
if you get closer you can see the bells
last but not least...
currently I am in love with Nico Nico dancers *___*
especially Melochin, Ry☆ and Miume
they are so awsome, wish I could dance like them
Melochin is so cute and funny, Ry☆ is a midget XD but I still love him and Miume is dame sexy ♡
Click to view
Melochin is the one with orang hair and the glasses
Click to view
Miume is the girl
Click to view
Ry☆ is on the left side, Melochin on the right side
so that's it folks
hope to see you soon again
peace and out