Avatar mumblings

Oct 13, 2006 23:01

Yeah, yeah, I watch too much TV.

Very cute. Definitely a lot better than what Avatar's been producing lately, what with the fillers.

Hmm, am wondering something about the animals in Avatar-world. They get talked to as if they can understand what people are saying, not just tone of voice but actual meanings, much like they are sentient and understand the English language. The animals in Avatar-world are already pretty weird--though anything crossed over with a turtle is an automatic win--but, hmm. Something to consider.

Teeny!Appa is the cutest thing I've ever seen. So it Teeny!Aang. Oh, the fluffiness! The fur! The tongue-licking!

...the random wise sage person! He amused me, in a "what bearing does he have on anything" way until he tied the message to Appa's horn. Only--what with the Dai Li capturing him, wouldn't they remove the message? Which could lead to some future episodes, who knows.

Suki seemed a little weird to me in this episode. I got the image of a rather brash, semi-mature girl who's good at fighting and knows it from the previous glimpses of her; this episode provided a not-brash at all kind of thing. It may just be because there's been so little of her seen, and that my perceptions of her are completely wrong, or something.

This episode had cameos of practically every character they could squeeze into the time slot. /amused

So, about the circus thing. The ringmaster and beast trainer were firebenders, so unless this was actually taking place in the Fire Nation, this would be a cause for alarm, yes? Only, we didn't really see much of it as Fire Nation area other than the color of people's clothing, which was a very manly shade of pink and like Ty Lee's. And how would the traders have sold it to them? Unless they were willing to consort with firebenders, which is a sou-sou kind of thing.

Hmm, so, as long as Aang remains in Ba Sing Se, Azula can't get to him without storming Ba Sing Se. Which she failed at earlier.

So the rest of the season will focus on getting the news to the Earth King, then realizing that since he's, you know, a figurehead, they should focus on getting Appa back more than that, and there will be political intrigue and the like and bending!fight scenes. Possibly some brainwashed!Jet, which I had really been hoping to see.

Third season, maybe, once they're actually *in* the Fire Nation? Sneaking around, trying to hide from the Fire Nation troops--only, they'll have to get Zuko in there somehow. And once Azula realizes they're in the Fire Nation, she'll really be able to use her influence on them; *her* country, *her* targets, *her* subjects, and *her* rules. She'll probably up the playing field a little, because it'll be absolutely unacceptable for the Avatar to be in the Fire Nation, although I doubt she'd actually believe they'd manage to succeed in their "let's take down the Fire Lord" kind of thing.

I wonder if she knows about the eclipse. I'm betting that Ozai does--it's such a huge thing, how could he *not*--but I'm also wondering about general knowledge. This knowledge got dug out of an ancient library guarded by a giant owl/knowledge spirit, and even Zhao admitted it took some finding.

Mai and Ty Lee won't be at all hindered by the eclipse thing, although maybe disoriented. Azula has received a fair amount of martial arts training; she can fight beyond what's required for firebending, which is practically a martial art anyways. But Aang and Katara? They're incredibly outmatched then, and Sokka's improved but Mai, Ty Lee, and Azula at once? They'll cream him into little itty bits.

Which is where Zuko and Iroh might step things up a bit. I really want to see Zuko teams up with Aang + people but, yeah, not happening, not likely.

Maybe Jet? If the producers plan on keeping him for more than just a few episodes, anyways. He hates firebenders, he can come join the team! Except for the part where, er, Katara kicked his butt and he hates her and Sokka and Aang. So hmm. Tail Zuko into the Fire Nation?

Eh, who knows. But I haven't been this interested in Avatar for a while, so take this as a good thing!

So, ludicrous theory number one, Jin, Jen, whatever her name was, is actually the daughter of the Earth King in disguise. She and Zuko are going to get married and run away into the Cave of Two Lovers and live happily ever after. And fantwit will believe this until the series explicitly proves her wrong. As long as it doesn't happen, she'll continue to believe that it will.

...wtf, fantwit. I feel somewhat mean for saying this, but, w. t. f. I don't mind the theory so much as the "if it doesn't happen that doesn't mean it won't!" kind of bullheaded mentality. I like my random crack as much as the next fangirl, but, really, the odds of Azula and Sokka deciding to embark on a painful, dysfunctional, horribly wrong relationship are not very high.

fandom, zuko is hot

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