I must visit
this cafe in Pavillion sometime SOON!!!! The food looks amazingly delicious 8Q___________ And I've been craving ice cream for a while already too. Believe it or not, I've never been to Pavillion, because it's such a pain to get to, being situated in the middle of the city without any public transport going there... =n=;; *refuses to drive in KL, esp the area around Pavillion* But finally I have a reason to go there ♥
Add that to the existing list of the RT pastry house and Cuppacake Cafe. Outing? People? ;u;
B-but... I'm not going anywhere with delicious food without a camera!! 8< My
Olympus is still missing, and these few days I've been wanting to take pictures too. You won't appreciate it when you have it around, but when they're lost, only you'll realize how important they are... sobs. I don't know where I lost it, that's the problem -__- I just couldn't find it anywhere!! The last time I 100% remember seeing it was in Lina's house, although I am quite sure I brought it to the Pasta Zanmai outing too. Waaargh!!! I think I'll get a new one if by middle of next month it's still missing... *sigh* Thinking of getting the
Nikon s60, although I'm not quite sure how good it is as of now. Need to do more research.
Their ad campaign is hilarious though!! And slightly creepy XD;;
Body's condition - left knee still hurts, but got new symptom!! My left eye hurts too, like... it feels like I got something buried under my eyelids. It hurts like hell in the mornings when I woke up, just imaging a dust or hair in your eyes but 5x more painful. After a while it's not so painful anymore, although can still somewhat feel an irritation in the eye all day.