On a Movie Kick

Oct 05, 2008 07:13

I had been watching quite some movies (piracy ftw~) for the past 2 months. Just some thoughts on them.

Fight Club 5/5 stars
YES!! I finally watched this damn movie!! XD It was a little vague and somewhat confusing in the first half of the story, but damn, that twist in the movie later = FUCKING GENIUS!!! It made me rewatch the movie again from the beginning!! Great show!! Highly recommended!! Now I'm a fan of Edward Norton!! DD: Brad Pitt? Not so much... >.>;;

Wanted 4/5 stars
It's not like EXTREMELY good, but it was enjoyable! XD The action/bullet/slow-mo scenes made my jaw drop! I love how they did the action scenes! The concept is very interesting too, but the plot was a little easy to predict. (as with most movies nowadays, sadly) The main character of this movie reminds me a lot of the character Edward Norton portrays in Fight Club though. The same tired-of-regular-life dude. It could also be that I watched these 2 shows back to back too >__>;;

Alien vs Predator : Requiem 1/5 stars
Bad, this movie was BAD!!!! I was just bored and flipping through my dad's DVDs to look for something to watch when I draw. The first one was WAAAAYYYY better IMO, this one just looks really cheap and low budget. Like a b-rated horror movie but... only slightly better in the graphical sense. No plot, no focus, no main characters, (well I guess the main characters are the alien and the predator >.>:; ) no logic!! (wtf the alien managed to kill TWO predators and only ONE came to hunt it down while it breeds??!!!)

Brothers Grimm 4/5 stars
Heath Ledger!! *heart* He's so cute in this movie! XD The story was interesting, I always loved fairy-tale like shows. They incorporated a lot of fairy tales in the show, like Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel etc etc, and still able to make it work!! :3 (although the Cinderella part felt forced) The story was decent, and it was enjoyable to watch! Love the french man and their silliness!! XD

Da Vinci Code 4/5 stars
This movie... if you haven't read the book, you'll really have a difficult time understanding it!! XD;; Because everything moves really quickly, and you wouldn't be able to digest everything fully. But it's a fairly loyal interpretation compared with the book, Ian McKellen was really good, like always!! I also really like the soundtrack in this movie!! x3

Meet Dave 3/5 stars
Funny movie!!! XDD The concept and story is HILARIOUS!!! Eddie Murphy really did very well in this one. If you're looking for some relaxed, good laugh, definitely recommend this movie! XD My favourite quote from the movie - "Put him in my butt!!" XDDD

I am Legend 2/5 stars
Wahlau... this movie really Will Smith one man show...;; For the first hour it's totally him ONE CHARACTER only!! (well, save for the little bits of flashback scenes of his family) It's an 'okay' movie. No wow factor, a little slow and steady. It's not bad, but not good either.

28 Days Later 4/5 stars
This is one of the better zombie movies I've watched actually. Very realistic, not completely firepower-overpowered, and no killing all zombies with a giant explosion! The later part of the movie really made me sick to the core, like... HOW CAN PEOPLE THINK LIKE THAT??!?!!! kind of sick... u__u;; A bit bloody, but the story is very realistic, yes.

Gothika 3/5 stars
Another one-man (or rather, woman?) show!! But Halle Berry was really good in this though, I think she's better than Will Smith in "I am Legend" even!! It's a pretty interesting movie, not too scary, but not too predictable either. Alot of cheap scares though, like those random pop up scenes that have no meaning at all... u_u;; And I think, after watching Criminal Minds, the profiling technique Halle Berry's character did wasn't convincing to me, because there really aren't any grounds to back-up her profiling! XD; So that part felt a little... cincai (simply)

Singing Detective 2/5 stars
Don't kill me Pea!!! DX;; Okay, this movie is totally WEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRDDDD!!!!!! It has like.. 3-4 plots going on at once, and half the time I don't know what Robert Downey Jr was saying in the movie!! XD HE TALK TOO FAST!!!!! Almost a one-man show too. It felt like a very random pr0n movie o_o;; So many pr0n scenes (though no genitals, so I guess it's not technically porn, but still >_>;; ) I felt weirded out after I finished watching it... D:;;

Lately there are so many MOSQUITOES around here!! =A=;; Not only in my house, but EVERYWHERE!!! My legs are so badly bitten it's itching everywhere!! My dad too at his working place, he have alot of bites on his back. And a few days ago in Lumut, Perak during Haru Raya? Dengue outbreak, Lumut hospital was full and some had to go to Ipoh hospital. Seriously... this humid weather is HORRID!!!

bugs, movies

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