Vacation Posty - Day 6 - Out with the old, in with the new year

Jan 01, 2005 12:27

Jameu had to work yesterday so I spent the whole day helping the family take down all the X-Mas decorations, and helping Leif move around all the furnature in the livingroom. There was supposed to be a New Years party being held at the house of one of James' friends so we were gonna catch that once we got a call from Ian to tell us who's house it was gonna be at. He never called, so no party.

Instead we all watched 2 movies. The first was Napolean Dynamite. Didn't like it. The second was A Touch Of Pink. Now that was a good movie; very funny. I had some of the punch, which had some wine in it. I was fine at the time and ended up having around 5 glasses. My stomach started getting angry with me later (hence me sleeping in so late today), but thankfully I didn't gag much. Had 1 sip of champain because I can't stand the stuff; that is what made me barf the last time I was at a New Years party. Good thing I decided to not drink the whole glass cuz I could feel a reaction to it even after one sip.

My family doesn't really per-say celebrate New Years, so the traditions James' family had was interesting. We had to get all the X-Mas decorations down today because we weren't allowed to bring anything of the old year into the new. Also, the eldest opened the front door and the youngest opened the back door and tossed the old calender out of it ^_^ Of course there were the other normal things such as the glass of champain. We also sang some sort of song; I'm not quite sure which it was as I wasn't too familiar with it so I still sang but looked to the others for leads on the lyrics LOL XD Jameu hid downstairs while we were singing so he would't have to of course ;P Also paused the movie to watch a count down on TV, and people went around kissing each other (gave and recieved kisses + hugs from both of James' parents as well as the little nephew Alex).

After the movies, me and James went out for a very long walk. It was good to get out of the house since I had been cooped up all day (plus it's nice to walk at night [we were out for like aprox 2-3:15am so it still seemed like night]). We talked, which was also good; I asked if I was bothering him and he said of course not, that he was just a quiet observer that's all. That was reassuring to hear :)

When we got home, we headed back downstairs and watched TV with his mom for a few minutes before he kicked us out as he wanted to go to bed. Before I left I tried to explain something I wanted to explain more on the walk but didn't have a chance to since Jameu talked much: I tried to explain that probably the reason I was worried was cuz I'm used to being close with people, like how he is with his family, with everyone. And when people aren't that way back with me, I worry. Told him heck, I hadn't even had a hug from him yet and he said he gave me one at the air port. I pointed out that it wasn't a hug but merely a half-assed one arm around my shoulder thing, so he came over and gave me a weak hug.

I tried explaining my concerns further/more properly at this point as I felt they hadn't been acknowledged but then he said that he was only hugging me to get rid of me. That was the last straw. I stomped off up the stairs.

That's what I get for actually trying to have a serious conversation about something that was hard for me to talk about to begin with.
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