shake down by the wild turkey mafia

Jul 23, 2012 13:50

I pull up in my driveway on Saturday afternoon, engine idling while I wait for the npr story to end before turning off my car. Suddenly, I hear this weird noise right out the back passenger window. I turn to look and see a turkey staring right at me. Then a second turkey head pops up next to it and they're both staring me down.

They seem to be investigating my car and I'm thinking, um...okay...nice turkeys...when they suddenly start attacking my car! I totally freaked out and honked my horn and tried to back out of my driveway and that just seemed to make them madder, pecking at my tires and flapping and squawking, their tail feathers fully fanned out. So I end up driving down the street with these two turkeys chasing after me.

I sat watching them from the end of my street until they finally moved away from my driveway and zipped right back in and turned my car off immediately, since it looked like the turkeys were ignoring all the parked cars. Of course the turkeys come zooming right back when I park, but luckily, turning the car off did the trick, and they soon lost interest.

I scurried inside as quick as I could. LOL

Then a couple hours later, I look out my window and the turkeys are still loitering around when our mailman drives up. I see him stop and get off, leaving the mailtruck idling. A couple seconds later, he jumps back into the mailtruck and zooms right off with the turkeys flapping and gobbling and chasing after it all the way down the street. Then the turkeys came swaggering back to loiter in front of our driveway again. Luckily, the heat seemed to do them in and they took shelter under some shade.

I again took advantage of an opportune moment to escape!

So if I disappear, know it's because of the wild turkeys. o.O;;
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