Feb 10, 2009 23:54
Man, old stuff like this. It brings back some oh-so-fun memories. Me, when I was back in kindergarden and elementary school, was completely afraid of teachers. They just terrified me for some reason. I'd have a friend of mine who I'd always speak to, think about where teachers come from. We didn't really think of them as people at the time. In fact, we thought that they were monsters. Zombies that come from the basement underneath the school and that locker that's always in every teacher's room was the door that lead down there. Like some sort of elevator. And underneath would be like a morgue looking place. Teachers would sleep inside each cell, only to be winded up by their creators. The military trying to brainwash the next generation for their recruits. XD The funnier thing about this, is all my life I've lived in military communities, or bases. So, in it's own little twisted way, it did make sense. And most of the teachers at the time I had were like robots. They were mechanical in the way they taught, and they were also boring to listen too, which only enforced that crazy idea I had at the time.
writer's block