separate entry for rizzles

Oct 30, 2007 10:36

While I got so addicted to those dramas, had babysitting duties, and a week long housesit, I just got used to being offline. So lets see what I missed writing in here....

I made a friend at SAC!!! WHOOO! We don't have that much in common but it sure feels good to make someone laugh again. She seems popular tho x.x and some of her friends.....well I DEFinatly don't have anything in common with them but there is no way im going to say anything about that. Ill just politly nod or something. They insist on giving the name marshmellow to complete their camp-site snack nicknames. Again...just ...nod. I like marshmellows but why am I being given a nickname 5 mins in and they dont even know my actual name? One of her friends a DUDE watches drama or at least one drama GTO so i guess that is ok but we think differently about real world issues. He is very repetative lol. Girls with a pair of handcuffs trying to be seductive but I found it as a huge turn off. Neways Angela is cool tho!!!

My car is also fixed, it stopped smoking and was repaired really fast. The radiator busted but we got a really good deal on the new one i think. I'm used to driving it also tho I still like my old car better :< this one's interior isn't as nice and it is dark inside. Body isn't very cute either lol. It doesn't look like me. One day I want a car that does.

Mom found out that I haven't been taking my medicine like I should. It hasnt been that bad recently but she said i could get cancer of the asophogus!!! WHOA should have told me that to begin with because that is more then enough motivation to take it x.x

Started picking up the keyboard again...well not picking up but practicing. And I totally made a good call on John's xmas present!!! I didn't know this but when he goes to his friends he practices on their guitars. Earlier on the same day I learned that, mom was watching QVC and Estaban was on there selling a guitar and learners dvds for a good price and mom told me to come see it. Told her go get it :3 He got out my guitar about 2 months ago and practiced for a lil but never got it out again. Sat. he got it out again and has been practicing. So weird he mentioned that the same day tho. He was out of the house when we ordered too. I told mom just go get me colored pencils, markers, and a lightbox. I'll act suprised in Dec.

Spent Sat. with D and had a good (cheap) time with her cupon book!! Movie, bookstore, petstores, her house, and IHOP (awesome nerd waiter and creepy...creepy waiter). I need to scan the coloring we did with the stolen kids coloring entry from petco and the stolen crayons from IHOP. I WON! kick arse tho our color choices were limited xD maybe it is more fun like that tho. yes fun. And *sniff* I got to hold her babies. Seeing the pictures on the screen and actually holding one is like WOAH I knew they weren't going to be light or anything but it is were the weight is placed that you maybe don't think about. So pretty. Kaluha looks good in all the wigs xD AND BALD!! so much holier then thou!! I played with him tho he definatly hated it but I HAD FUN SO THERE! I'm trying to find my bank statment and I'm really hoping ive saved/earned the 927.47 for Mr. Nicodemos (still dosn't have lastname xD) aka BASTARD aka Hots aka defensless-maniquinn-i-will-forever-give-mani/pedis-to <- Im looking forward to that part a tad too much....
OH! a zombie civil war dude rang us up at Silverado! COOL but EVEN COOLER was when I went with Mom, John, and Kelly, to go see Dan In Real Life there was a SEIYAN at the consecion stand!!! I don't know which one he was supposed to be but he had the leotard, gloves and boots, and the armour!! Me and John were dissapointed no one wanted anything because we wanted the mighty alien to serve us xDD

Dude as Seiyan: " And your total is OVER NINE THOOOUSAAAND!!! (highlight for answer if you don't already know it xDD)
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