(no subject)

Jul 06, 2007 10:23

Today I'm going with mom,john, and kelly to see Ratatouille again :/ i liked it but I feel like its a waste of money on me. But mom wants me to and she has been missing out on movies with us. I'm going to take my sketchbook lol. Man. I have been watching Avatar so much I picked up how to draw Aang, Sokka, and Katara! Of course Aang is the easiest. Mom keeps getting after me that I am not doing laundry like she says. There is like nothing to wash!!

Flashbacks: Tuesday. MAC'S BITHDAY! Happy Birthday Maccie-poo * 3* loves loves To celebrate he and Shelby had a vet appointment ; m ; Shelby gained weight and we need to make an appointment for Mac to go to the doggie dentist.

Wednesday: Dad picked me n John up at 11 to go to his house since he had the day off. I have been watching Avatar there and dad watches too. Love that show. Does anyone know where to watch season 3 online? D:Then at 2:40 we went to go pick up Kelly and then drove to the airport. I got the raspberry mocha at Starbucks :/ It was good but I still LOVE FRIGGIN PEPPERMINT MOCHA SO F'ING MUCH. I wanted John to get me a plushy from the toy grab machine but he didn't :< They had Genie, Timon, Squidward, but the ones I really wanted were Linguine, Emile, and Cogsworth. WTF? Cogsworth plushie?! awesome.

My grandparents and aunt came in and we waited for my cousins plane to arrive. It didn't take long. DAMN I love Crystin. Favorite. Cousin. Ever! She makes me laugh and feel speshul. Too bad that was prolly the only day I will see her this year. Maybe she will come for Christmas. She is off in Austin now and then is going to Virginia with my grandparents to visit family. How come she is the one that gets to go there? D: My grandparents have never invited us to go see our aunt and uncle thuur. We all went to Panchito's after that with my mom. Damn my nachos were gewd!! D8 we all basically shared dessert too. mmmmmmm. flan and some fancy brownie n ice cream thing. mmmmm.

After everyone left it was back to dad, john, kelly, and I. We went to see Evan Almighty. I liked it very muchly. Wanda Sykes was sooo funny. For some reason it was hidiously packed when we left the theatre. You had to bushwack people to get outta there! D: I didn't know the 4th of July was such a movie going night. (oh also Gackt's b-day) When we were treking thru the parking lot lightning went off. It lighted up the sky real bright then not half a second later the parking lot lights went off. lol sweet. but then after that it wasn't. The traffic lights had also gone out and we had to drive on the high way for a long time to turn around. This was out at the Palladium. Dad took a small,long, winding, freakishly dark street back to the main rounds. He was also speeding and I was waiting for the car to skid, hit a low area with water, and go into the trees. But we didn't. John thought it was the coolest thing
ever :< *sniff*
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