Title: One Glance
nekokatechanRating: PG
Pairing: Yuuri/Wolfram
Genre: AU (set in an alternate universe from both our world and Shin Makoku)
Chapter: 9/35
Comments: Thank you so much to those who sent me art! You guys were amazing to put so much hard work into it ^^ (If you missed the PDF post, it’s in the memories under Arc 1 PDF) It is also here, that I realise my research isn’t correct. While Yuuri goes to Shanghai, at this time Beijing was the capital. Well, I can’t get everything right. A shorter chapter including a light crossover, the introduction of a new KKM character and the author having way too much fun with irony.
Previous Chapters: Arc 1:
http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=nekokatechan&keyword=One+Glance&filter=all “Being with you and not being with you is the only way I have to measure time.” - Jorge Luis Borges, The Threatened One