Pimp photoedits! XD

Mar 30, 2006 14:19

...Hello everyone, this is umeko_pyon, one of your new mods~<3 :D Um, well. I realized that I actually haven't contributed anything worthwhile to the fandom wait, I did write that one drabble..., so it's high time I did!

Actually, that's a lie. Because if this can be considered worthwhile, then there's clearly something wrong with the world.

There is an explanation for this. I swear to God there is. But it's pretty uninteresting, so I won't bore you with those little details (unless someone asks). XD

EDIT: I was afraid that maybe people might take this the wrong way and think I was bashing Conrad (I am not, though truthfully I don't like him that much). :( So to balance it out, here's one with Yuuri, who is, in fact, my favorite character:


EDIT 2: By request, here's Wolfram, Gwendal, and Muraken. 8D (Wolfram looks awful, but I love how Gwendal came out. XD)


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