
Feb 23, 2006 15:06

Hiya! I'm new to this comm and very new to the fandom itself; I spent last Saturday, Sunday and Monday watching the 61 subbed episodes and kind of got addicted and obsessed. Normally I would spend a lot more time lurking and getting a feel for things - but I'm having a hard time finding anything anywhere for my OT3, which I guess would be called ( Read more... )

recommendations, conrad x wolfram x yuuri, fandom discussion

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Comments 46

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thejennabides February 23 2006, 23:33:14 UTC
This comment feels wanky.

Ha! Well, be that as it may (though it didn't actually strike me as wanky), this is pretty helpful to me. Especially the point-of-focus observations, which is making me think about exactly who the point of focus is for myself and why I feel the need for the three of them to be together. I've never had an OT3 before. I guess I'll wander off and be navel-gazey about this for awhile. ;p


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thejennabides February 24 2006, 00:13:30 UTC
I USUALLY just love one character and play mix-and-match with them.

That's usually me, too! So I think that was part of the paw-chewing in my original post; I'm operating outside my norm now. Eep eep!

As to the point-of-focus, I know that I came to Conyuuram because I could not decide between Conyuu and Yuuram - though I don't think Yuuri is necessarily my point of focus... but anyhow, it was when the Conram struck me that everything fell into place. I'm still not sure I know what to do with myself about this. But I will stop babbling and maybe go poke around for some of your art. I have a friend I'm trying to get to watch KKM with me, and she has a real thing for blonds...


kimchiburger February 23 2006, 23:19:43 UTC
Yay for OT3 love! Cause Yuuri's just a damn lucky bastard. Though I'd much rather everyone just say "screw this!" and have an orgy. But that's just me.


thejennabides February 23 2006, 23:39:09 UTC
But that's just me.

Oh, I'm pretty sure it's not just you!

I know the fandom is wrong in the icon, but this is the closest I have to a boypile icon... ;p


windrider01 February 23 2006, 23:26:13 UTC
Conyuuram! *cheers* I also see them as a threesome! *nod nod* I'm so glad it's not just me and my best friend who thinks this way *huggles you*

Also a bit freaky since I had a dream about this not too long ago XD. Long story short I was dressed as Wolfram for a anime con and was with Conrad I had his hand since I didn't want to get lost then someone yelled "CONYUURAM!" which I believe was my Best Friend lol and we posed for pictures together It was a crack dream XD.
*Rambles* But I'd love to see a threesome between them.

I do hope this isn't too random V^-^W;;


thejennabides February 24 2006, 00:01:31 UTC
*deep sigh of relief and big muskrit grin* See, I knew it couldn't just be me! And your dream is fantastic, especially because Conrad/Wolfram seems to be the part of the equation that people either can't get their heads around or just aren't interested in.

Speaking of cosplay - I have a very strong memory of the Yuuri and Wolfram making out a Y-Con last year; I think that may have been where I started to get the idea that I needed to see KKM...

(You know I'm going to friend you now, right?)


windrider01 February 24 2006, 00:25:00 UTC
Yay! X3 I can't wait to tell my best friend someone else feels the same way! *Grins*. Yes I liked that dream it had Conrad in it *is a big Conrad fan* I remember everyone yelling "OMG It's Wolfram... OMG he's holding Conrad's HAND!!!! *Insert swooning here*" XD Then we found Yuuri and then the Conyuuram happened XD. Yes I know what you mean *nods* I think I like any pairing in this anime which I don't usually do... but KKM is the crack anime as I call it V~_^W.

Oh really?? Awesome! I wish I could go to one *watery eyes* sadly they are too far away from where I live and I don't have the money to go V;_;W. And Yay for Yuuri and Wolfram making out to get you to watch KKM lol!

(Really?? WOO! eheh XD)


aefallen February 24 2006, 02:44:17 UTC
*hides* I love the Conrad/Wolfram angle.

And if you're looking for fic, satora_chan made a Conrad/Wolfram and Conrad-and-Wolfram ficlist. And here's Why Conrad/Wolfram is canon. *hides*


kat8cha February 23 2006, 23:40:01 UTC
lol, it's sad but there really *aren't* that many people fond of ConYuuRam. >< It's a fangirl thing. People stoically defend their pairing and find other pairings to be inferior. Kinda Ethnocentric, ne? Anyway there have been a few fics done of it, if you look in the KKM yaoi com's memories you might find them.

^+^ Good luck! Maybe if I'm inspired I'll write you some!


thejennabides February 24 2006, 00:16:52 UTC
People stoically defend their pairing and find other pairings to be inferior.

I completely get that. To be honest, I've been like that in other fandoms and once wrote a rant about how a/b/c is NOT the same as a/b so please stop reccing it, thank you very much... so after I posted up there, I realized I might have offended people and certainly hope I haven't!

I'll definitely do more poking around in the memories. And what might it take to inspire you...? *shimmers eyes at you*


kat8cha February 24 2006, 03:43:34 UTC
XD Inspire me? Try me at what counts as Two in the morning for me. I'll see if I can inspire myself.

It'll be my first KKM fic. XD


thejennabides February 24 2006, 03:52:33 UTC
... so is it 2 am yet? ;p


iczer6 February 23 2006, 23:55:50 UTC
I like threesomes but I just can't see ConYuuRam.

Wolfram doesn't strike as the type of person who likes to share, adding in that the person he's sharing with is his brother and, well...

I just can't see it working.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't write it.

A fic might help me to change my mind.


akiru_chan February 24 2006, 00:18:13 UTC
I agree, Wolfram is just too possesive to let that happen, exspecially with Konrad.

I will say that I am a true Yuuram fan, and am not to fond of the Conyuu pairing. Just becuase I can only see them having a father/son or brotherly relationship. But dispite that I would really like to see a threesome between them. Don't know why but I would. Even if it would be kinda wierd.......


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akiru_chan February 24 2006, 00:23:30 UTC
You are so right. We must use that to our


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