I had to do it.

Jun 13, 2005 04:02

Title: ...It needs a title?

Author: Chu
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After watching episode fifty, there was a conversation, a rough translation of what Wolfram said to Yuuri while they were fighting in the buff, and this was born.

The screen is pitch black, devoid of any indication as to it's object of focus. For a moment, it's silent; then a face appears on the screen, distraught, eyes searching out any movement other than himself and jumping at the slightest sound.

The boy, around fifteen years old, with hair the color of chocolate and eyes to match, was shaking in abject fear. His breathing pattern was irregular, near hyperventilating, as tears soaked his face and a line of snot gave a startling burst of color on his pale face. Slowly, in the softest of whispers, he begins, "...He's in my bathtub again..."

"I know what he's here for."

"He comes every night now."

Yuuri jerks, eyes bugging out and head snapping both directions in a panic. "My backside."

"He's going to scrub it again!"

He bursts into a fresh bout of tears, lips trembling as we hear in the distance another boy's voice, so soft and crooning, but then we realize we forgot to turn the volume up and soon it's tearing through our ears like razors on a cotton swab.



There is a shrill scream, the likes of which are only heard from pregnant women in Utah who drive red Camaros and listen to techno polka as they're being murdered by a Catholic man.


The object of our attention bolts, running off into the woods, completely nude. We cringe as he gets a briar stuck in a bad place.

The screen beeps, and there's a fresh black slate before us. Yuuri is once again our focus, this time standing thigh-deep in water; much more composed, however, his expressions have gone from fear to devastation.

"He scrubbed my back again last night."

He turns around, baring his back to the screen. "LOOK AT HOW CLEAN IT IS." He sobs, not realizing Wolfram had written, in permanent marker, a black arrow pointing at his heiny with the words "WOLFRAM'S PROPERTY" in bold when he wasn't paying attention.

The tip of a snorkle floats up next to him, and then Wolfram emerges. "...You have something on your back. Let me scrub it for you..."


The screen cuts on Yuuri trying to claw his way out of the tub, Wolfram's hands clenching his arms in a vice-like grip, as there is once again nothing but black.

fanfiction: 2005, author - michechu

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