Okay...so let's start off with the beginning.
I was on MSN, and my good friend came and talked to me. Since we were both devoted Yuuram fans, we were pleased at the amount of Yuuram we saw. Then my friend asked me, "Why isn't there a lot of ConYuu?" I replied, "His hairstyle is hard to draw, maybe that's why? O_o;" which lead to her to challenge me to draw a ConYuu fanart.
It was fun drawing ConYuu for once (My first attempt at Conrad! XD!) but that really injured my inner Yuuram fangirl. So I kinda drew a Yuuram...
It's not as good as the ConYuu cuz I attempted drawing Side-Views and I suck at side views. O_o;
But Overall, the scraps looked better. Well, im my own opinion of course. O_o; so i'll include the scraps to show you how much nicer they looked in pencil. T_T
Hey, but there's something for everyone (well most everyone). ^_^
Title: ConYuu Challenge
annakoRating: PG...Nothing bad here...
Pairing/Character: Conrad x Yuuri
Comments: Tried my best :D Click the link below the pics for full view
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/18802523/ Title: Yuuram to heal my injured inner Yuuram fangirl
annakoRating: PG+13...there's a bit of 'sexual reference'...
Pairing/Character: Yuuri x Wolfram
Comments: UGH UGH UGH -covers eyes- the background really sucks cuz i was in a rush. and I learnt how terrible I am at sideviews. The only thing I honestly like is the shading of their lips XDD