Community fellows, may you have a good day/night.
Oh! Here I am, bringing you not words, for I have not the best of talents on it...But! ah, yes, images, visions, reflects of my deepest feelings and likings, that, my good friends, that I do bring you...perhaps, not the best quality, nor the best of talents, but with the best of hopes and intentions.
So, here's a fanart in other words, made by yours truly.
Title: ich vertraue auf ihn
Artist: made by yours truly
Rating: Little Imaginary Fairy Friends Org. President Approved
Pairing/Character: Your Majesty the King of Mazoku
Comments: Er, the thing he's holding in his hand it's the blue pendant, by the way. Mmm
Happy Easter! and belated St. Patrick's Day! ^^
...and Woman's International Day! °-°
Sorry for the ones who got this twice! Not my intention to spam ^_^u