Feb 15, 2005 21:15


Title: Shake Your Lovemaker
Author: Chu
Rating: PG-13
Genre: CRACK
Pairing: Yuuri/Wolfram. Sort of.

It was nearing afternoon, usually the busiest time of the day, and it seemed as though everything had come to a mutual stalemate. Gunter had long since been distracted from Yuuri and his studies, Greta had opted to nap instead of going outside to play, and Gwendal hadn't shown up to shovel paperwork in his face after sometime early this morning. The sudden lull in what would otherwise be a rushed point in time for Yuuri quickly lost it's relaxing effect, slowly ebbing into boredom.

His joints snapped and cracked as he stood, serving to remind him exactly how long he'd been sitting in that position. Well then-- to make up for all the inactivity, he should find something to do that would involve moving his body, wouldn't he?

He was, for once, grateful for Ulrike and her unpredictable summonings. This time, he was pulled into the water clutching his duffel bag, which just happened to contain his CD player. How it remained undamaged from the water was a mystery he wasn't sure he wanted to solve, but it managed to provide some sort of entertainment for him during times like these.

And invoked quite a few amusing responses from his comrades.

One of which he seemed to be walking in on, as he nudged open the door to his bedroom and beheld one of the strangest sights he'd ever seen since he first landed in Shinmakoku. Yuuri felt the urge to do a classic doubletake as he stood in the doorway and watched as Wolfram, wearing his headphones, danced quite enthusiastically to whatever was playing on the small device.

Of all things, he never expected to catch Wolfram doing something considered so very tactless in this world, but the blonde was seemingly oblivious to the fact that he was flaunting his assets.

Yuuri's eyes glazed over. It had to have been one of the funniest things he'd ever seen-- he had to think of it as funny, because if he didn't, it would leave him with the other reaction brought on by Wolfram's little display, and he would have to admit that watching the other boy shake his lovemaker turned him on. Just a little.

And he certainly couldn't let himself think along those lines.

So his cheeks filled with air fast enough that some of it escaped between puckered lips, and he fought to contain a delighted chortle. Despite the blonde's graceful manuevering, he couldn't help but find it insanely hilarious to see the other boy in his stately uniform, noble from head to toe, as he wagged his hips suggestively.

Wolfram's first impression of the round machine had been little more than to jump back slightly as music burst through the miniature speakers, followed by a rather crude comment about Yuuri's choice in music hissed scathingly between full, pink lips. The same song he'd been admonished for was playing now, projecting enough through the headphones for the brunette to hear the lyrics.

'Cause it's easy, once you know how it's done, and you can't stop now, it's already begun, you feel it, running through your bones...then you jerk it out.

Yuuri closed the door behind him and started walking down the hall. He decided to studiously ignore the bulge in his uniform and write it off as teenage hormones.

Then he came to a stop in front of another door, a room kept locked and hidden away in a remote corner of the castle. He pulled a key from his pocket, and walked into his haven.

The room was decorated like a shrine of sorts, with shelves full of books and posters and framed pictures. Books with titles like Think You Might Be Gay? Well, You're Wrong! and pictures of ambiguously straight men with candles lit around them in worship. The room was painted solid blue, and he sighed at his surroundings-- all of it was straight, straight, straight, nothing gay at all, because Yuuri was not gay. He put on his fuzzy little purple earmuffs and tuned out anything in the atmosphere that might be inspiring Gayness.

"I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm straighter than a nail, not gay, nope..."

yuuri x wolfram: 2004-2009, fanfiction: 2005, author - michechu

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