Winter Challenge

Dec 24, 2004 01:43

Only two left after this

December 23
Characters: Konrad, Yuuri
Rating: PG

The last thing that Konrad expected was that Yuuri would suddenly retreat from his Christmas events and take to hiding in his room for the better part of the day. It just wasn’t like him, and it had everyone worried.

When Yuuri declined to attend the concert he hadn’t been able to stop talking about the day before, Konrad decided that something had to have happened to his King and took matters into his own hands.

“Yuuri?” Konrad rapped on the door to the Maou’s bedroom again. “Yuuri, I know you are in there.” The door remained closed and he sighed. “Yuuri? I’m coming in.”

Konrad pushed open the door and looked into the room. It was obvious where Yuuri was. If the oddly shaped lump under the blankets on the Maou’s bed hadn’t given him away, the black hair that hadn’t been covered did.

“Yuuri,” Konrad said kindly as he took a seat on the side of the bed. “What’s wrong? Did someone say or do something to you that hurt you? Did something happen?”

For a long time it seemed that Yuuri was going to ignore his presence and then Konrad heard his King mumbled something half garbled by the pillow he had his face buried in.

“What was that?” Konrad asked, not sure that he had actually heard what he thought he heard.

But Yuuri proved that his hearing had been working when he threw the blankets off and sat up, repeating his words slowly this time so that there was no way Konrad could mistake them again. “I said ‘I kissed him.’”

Then Yuuri buried his head in his hands, his cheeks blazing with color. “I couldn’t help it,” he wailed, “It was snowing and he was just STANDING there and the snow was catching in his hair and he looked so pretty and he hates me now, doesn’t he?”

“Slow down,” Konrad said as he rushed to register everything that Yuuri was saying. But first things first. “You kissed WHO?”

If possible, Yuuri’s face got redder so that he almost looked purple and he flopped back down onto his bed with a groan. “Wolfram,” he admitted with hitched breathing. “I, I kissed Wolfram.”

“Oh, Yuuri,” Konrad said kindly, sighing with relief as he understood the reason behind the King’s retreat from everything as well as the behavior a certain younger brother had been exhibiting all day. “That’s not unexpected. It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not okay!” Yuuri said venomously and he rolled over to look at him. “Konrad, I LIKE Wolfram. And now I went and did this and he’s going to hate me.” He picked up one of the pillows and shoved it over his face. “I bet he’s sharpening his sword right now so that he can run me through the next time he sees me,” he said miserably.

Konrad had to try very hard not to laugh. “Yuuri,” he said with a bright smile, “I have it on very good authority that Wolfram is not angry with you. Rather he’s been a highly distracted, dreamy state all day.”

The pillow slowly came up as Yuuri peeked out from under it. “Really?” he asked hopefully.

“Really,” Konrad assured him. “Why don’t you go find him yourself and see?”

Yuuri hesitated for a second.

Lips too soft for a boy, a mouth so hot and wet. A shaky gasp of surprise and giddy abandon. A moment where all that existed in the world was Wolfram. Surrounding him, overwhelming him.

Yuuri licked his lips to gather moisture back into his mouth. “Yeah,” he said, “Yeah, I’ll go talk to him.”

conrad, yuuri, fanfiction: 2004, author - jazzthejazz

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