How do you think this is gonna end up? + caloria hen

Dec 25, 2013 19:16

I just want to share a question with you: how do you think this is all going to end up? Well? Bad? Because the more I read the more I think this is gonna end up just bad...
The topic of who's Yuuri goind to love is kind of nothing for me now, I mean do you think yuuri will survive? Shouri will turn into earth's maou and then?
I´d rather Conrad would have die at novel 5 and wolfram at novel 9, that would have been epic, one (o more than just one) of the main characters really dying that's epic, and they wouldn´t have die at the end (as in most stories)
I know there´s many forums about who's yuuri going to marry, etc but I'm tired of that... I mean, this story have much more potential than just that, doesn´t it?
We need a forum where to discuss about it!

By the way! In twitter I found caloria hen I and II´s covers, look:

At Caloria hen II cover, isn´t that ghost-gilbert looking at yuuri and flynn? xDD


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