Title: Chérie’s Baby, chapter 6 - Breakup!
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Rating|Genre: pg | family/friendship, slash, UST/unrequited, angst
Characters|Pairing: Yuuri, Wolfram, Greta, others | Yuuri/Saralegui
Summary: Wolfram says something to Yuuri that makes him speak up, finally. Later, Greta tells Wolfram what she is thinking of her two daddies’ relationship… And is the ex-Maou finally going to have her baby or what?!
Word count: 2 916
Spoilers|Warnings: No
Notes: This chapter has been posted to fanfiction.net in two parts: “The Breakup” and “Greta’s Questions”. That’s all so far - I’m working on the next chapter. (I feel like this story has been going on forever!)
Read it on LJ:
http://amles80.livejournal.com/103992.html Read it on ff.net:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8142927/6/Ch%C3%A9rie-s-Baby Listen to what I’m listening to right now: :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQA51WFP5CM&feature=share&list=PLE84C8D911A510FFA - Gwendal and everyone else singing! :D