Title: Rift (A story in the Balance Universe)
Author: Diorama/
Aella_AntiopeRating: M - eventually NC-17
Pairing/Character: Yuuri/Murata/Wolfram, Yozak
Genre: Angst, Erotica/Romance
Chapter: 1 of 3 (7,000 of 19,000 words)
Warnings: Yes. *eventually - sexual content, consent play, domination/bondage, mild blood play*
Summary: “It’s not easy or simple when it’s only two people, with three...well...” Two years after Murata marries Yuuri, the trio relationship hits a roadblock. As Murata notes, relationships aren’t easy, particularly when it involves an insecure prince, an inexperienced king, a god, and a jaded wise man who had long ago lost faith in happy endings. Set shortly before
Life’s Choices.
Author’s Notes: Betaed by
harpgo, all mistakes are my own. Comments are most welcome.
Story on Archive of our Own The stories are not in chronological order as set out on A03 as the series is written as snapshots over the course of many years, though it is part of an overall storyline - if you prefer to read it in chronological order it is:
BalancePlaying GameDinner at the ShibuyasMatrimonyDeviantRiftLife's ChoicesJust a DreamBordersAnd more to come :)