Dec 21, 2011 21:10
Good day! I'm looking for a one-on-one role play partner, who is willing to play multiple characters and canon characters, and enjoys plotting.
I can play over MSN, AIM, Yahoo, and e-mail. My reservations are concerned with romance; I don't enjoy playing straight pairings and am not fond of constant PWP.
I'm not grammar or spelling conscious, but prefer keeping one-lined replies out of character.
I've a few ideas in mind but nothing particularly detailed. D8 I'd love to work something out.
For any inquiries, post here or send me a private message. ^_^
[Also, I'm rather very pathetic when it comes to icon-making, so if someone would like to throw a few Alford-icons at me, I'll throw imaginary cupcakes at you? ;;
++ If anyone would like to join an awesome role play community, I'm hoping to find a lovely Ryan or Wilma/Belma/Vilma to play with?]