Title: A Marriage of State
Author: Niko (Nikoshinigami)
Rating: PG for now
Characters/Pairings: OC/Wolfram, future Yuuram
Genre: Drama
Chapter: Prologue through Chapter Five
Warnings: None yet but future violence and death.
Summary: While Yuuri is gone, Gwendal makes a difficult decision. Can a loveless marriage between strangers really be the answer?
Author’s Notes: Hello, Niko here. Some people might remember me from back in 2006 and 2007 when I posted "To Turn the Other Cheek" and other related stories. This is a new story that had been sitting in my head too long not to write. It'll be a long story as it's taken me five chapters just to mostly set it up to where the plot can start to wind through. I've managed to update about once a day thus far though so long as it may be, hopefully it won't drag out too long.
I've linked to each chapter as I'd rather post them all together than separately or in one large 10k chunk. Each chapter has navigation at the bottom of the page to make continuing through easier, though.
Prologue |
Chapter One |
Chapter Two |
Chapter Three |
Chapter Four |
Chapter Five Thank you,