Title: Of Horses and Hormones
Author: Amethystaura
Rating: M
Summary: We've seen Wolfram's dynamics with bearbees and dragons. Not to mention kohi, sandbears and flying sheep. But what happens when a lovely yet untamed horse comes as a gift from Yuuri? Bonus feature: Wolfram in seduction mode, all set to 'ride the king's staff', as a show of gratitude.
Preview: Wolfram stood leaning against a pillar as he quietly watched the spectacularly beautiful horse approach, in the manner of the truly 'spoilt yet keen' aristocrat. Attired in a crisp high collared white shirt, navy blue waistcoat, skin tight black breeches that accentuated his svelte legs and the usual snazzy riding boots that became the rider, as it were. As a pale hand instinctively rose to ruffle the golden hair, Yuuri found himself agreeing that the horse was just as lucky to have this illegally attractive young man ride him, as Wolfram was lucky to give him a try.
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