Title: Diary of a Wimpy King
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Wolfyuu/Yuuram
Genre: Humor/Crack
Warnings: Foul language, mentions of sexual activity
Summary: What Yuuri's diary thinks of him. Short fiction written from the diary's POV. A somewhat companion piece to
Diary of a Spoiled Prince.
seamusog Podfic-er:
soypants I am so sorry that this was so delayed! I have had a sore throat lately, and this was the best I could choke off. Sorry that the voicing isn't really good...I will definitely post some more soon when my throat stops acting up.
Original text:
http://seamusog.livejournal.com/16858.html#cutid1 DL link:
http://www.mediafire.com/?4urt48na22d91fp X-posted to
kkm_media kyou_kara_maou