Fic: Never Thought (GwendalxGunter)

May 25, 2010 20:41

Title: Never Thought
Author: Lin
Rating: NC17
Characters/Pairings: GwendalxGunter.
Genre: Romance, smut
Chapter: Follow-up to When Universes Collide, which was a follow-up to Tensions
Warnings: graphic m/m sex, rimming, Gunter using the F-word, schmoop
Summary: Gunter invites Gwendal to his room to sort out their issues. They sort them out thoroughly *cough*
Word count: 4.930
Author’s note: Whoo, porn. Took me long enough to get there. I apologize for the random little bit of knitting in there - I, like Gwendal, am bicraftual, and couldn't resist (bicraftual - someone who both crochets and knit. Yes, that is actually a word, look it up).

Also, yes. I did, in fact, just need nearly 5.000 words for a pornfic. Don't ask.


Gwendal was excellent at solving problems that involved his country, his army, and even the horrible, horrible situations his king got himself into. Solving problems that involved his personal life, however, was more of a predicament for him. Gwendal's favourite means of dealing with awkward personal situations was ignoring them. He'd avoid the other person involved, pretended nothing ever happened, and eventually it would go away. One of the perks of living a long, long Mazoku life was that things eventually took place so long ago they might just as well have not have happened at all. It was how he dealt with his mother walking in on him jerking off when he was a teenager, and it worked wonders. And after that particularly dark page in his past he'd never expected anyone to be harder to ignore than his mother, but as it turned out? When the problem in his personal life involved a certain over-emotional, over-dramatic and over-romantic older man, ignoring him seemed to not even be an available option.

After the kiss they had shared in the library Gunter had seemed an almost constant presence. Initially they did not have room to talk about it - the situation with the houryoku powered weapon had as expected grown out of control when His Majesty had indeed persuaded Wolfram and Conrad to go with him in pursuit of Huber. The crisis had ensured that Gunter had spent a lot of time with Gwendal attempting to straighten things out, but they had not had the time to discuss more personal matters. Yet, this didn't mean that Gwendal wasn't reminded of it every minute. Apart from his own difficulties with trying not to constantly think about how amazingly good Gunter had felt, tasted and smelled, Gunter would just be... looking at him. All the time. With this look in his eyes, this disturbing mix between 'hopeful puppydog' and 'vaguely horny teenager' which was just horribly unbecoming on someone Gunter's age. It made Gwendal feel uncomfortable, which in turn made him cranky (though hardly anyone but Gunter noticed the difference there, to be honest)

Eventually the crisis had solved itself in the usual manner - the weapon turned out to be a hoax, and when His Majesty came upon the crew of houjutsu users employed by Dai Shimaron he'd practiced his own special brand of justice on them and all was more or less well in the end.

Or at least, well for the kingdom and the king. For Gwendal, not so much.

Now that the threat to their country seemed to have abated (for now, at least), Gwendal realized this now left Gunter plenty of time to confront him about the kiss. Gwendal had been expertly avoiding Gunter for the past three days, but now that His Majesty had also returned home to visit his parents he was afraid his tactics were going to run short. The castle only offered so many hiding places, after all, and considering that Gunter spent about as much time hiding from Anissina as he did Gunter would be aware of most, if not all, of them. He had only one option left - to stop running, allow Gunter to confront him and deal with it as it happened.

The day after His Majesty's departure, when Gwendal was dealing with the paperwork left behind by His Majesty's blunder of destroying some of Francia's more precious ancient sites as he was thoughtfully scaring Dai Shimaron back to their own country (King Antoine was all too kind, but unfortunately for Gwendal, his wife had seemed to force him to request a rather hefty compensation), Gunter stepped into his office, making something of a show of closing the door behind him.

"We need to talk."
"I figured you would come here to say that. No, we don't," Gwendal replied.
Gunter groaned in irritation. "Now you're just repeating yourself. Yes, we do. You kissed me."
He walked up to Gwendal's desk. Gwendal put his quill down. "Well, I can't deny that I did. It happened, I suggest we pretend it didn't and get on with our lives."
"Maybe you can do that, but I can't. You kissed me."
"Who's repeating himself now?"
"Would you stop being so impossible?!"

No, Gwendal thought. He sighed, picking his quill back up to return to his work. Gunter tottered around in front of his desk like a fearful little dog, extraordinarily displeased with being ignored as he was. Gwendal rather wished he wouldn't be quite so excitable.
"Gwendal, really now! I feel like we're going in circles. I don't enjoy not knowing where I stand with people, and this whole situation between us is... it's confusing me. That's all."
"Try not to think about it so much," Gwendal rumbled.
"If I could stop thinking about it I would!" Gunter exclaimed. Gwendal looked up, surprised. Now there was a revelation - Gunter was thinking about the kiss as often as he was. It made Gwendal feel oddly self-conscious. He shifted in his chair, looking away.
"Look, let's just... I want to resolve this," Gunter said. He leaned forward, placing his hands on Gwendal's desk. "If you decide that resolving this between us is better than pretending it never happened... come to my room tonight. I'll be waiting. The decision is yours." He straightened, running one hand through his hair before turning to leave Gwendal's office. Before closing the door behind him, he turned. "I do hope you decide to come though." He closed the door behind him. Gwendal frowned, watching the now closed door. When the full extent of Gunter's invite dawned on him, he blushed deeply.


He'd been useless for the rest of the day. His concentration for finishing the correspondence with Francia was shot, so after another hour of misspelling words and being unable to come up with anything even remotely diplomatic to say he gave up and set it aside, telling himself he would finish it in the morning. He went to his rooms to knit, in the hopes of it clearing his mind, but after having to frog the same row three times after miscounting his purls he put it away again (and it wasn't even that complicated a pattern!). He was barely able to get anything down his throat during dinner, most probably caused by Gunter sitting right across from him at the table, acting like he had not made a completely immodest proposal to Gwendal earlier at all, and Gwendal had spent most of the remainder of the evening pacing his room.

He wasn't going to go. Obviously not. Why should he? The idea was absurd. No good could come of it at all, it would only serve to make his life even more complicated, and it would most definitely mess up his fine tradition of avoiding any kind of personal life for himself. What in the world was Gunter thinking. What in the world was he thinking! It wasn't even like Gunter at all to make such a suggestion. Gwendal had never known him to be anything other than absolutely prim and proper, a man who did make a show out of every little emotion he felt but who he had never caught even saying anything remotely indecent.

I do hope you decide to come though.

Gwendal grumbled, throwing a plush pillow through his room. Damn it. Damn Gunter, damn his soft and pliant mouth and damn, damn his insistence on 'resolving things'. Damn it all to hell.

Gwendal paced, muttering to himself and glancing at his clock. The hands slowly crept on, and it became 9, then 10, then 11... He became more uneasy as time went by. Would Gunter still be waiting for him now, or would he have realized Gwendal wouldn't come and have gone to bed? How long would he wait for, anyway? Until morning? Would he be very upset when Gwendal did not show? Would he cry? (knowing Gunter, he definitely would, and that possibility didn't make Gwendal uncomfortable, just sort of vaguely annoyed). Gwendal stood still in the middle of his room, sighing. He glanced at his bed - his cat had fallen asleep in the middle of it, purring softly. No way Gwendal would be able to get that kind of peaceful sleep tonight.

Gunter's suggestion had left a thick ball of nerves in his stomach, and the implication of arousal everywhere else. The idea of being able to go to Gunter's rooms and possibly be allowed to do anything he might want to do to him was... titillating.

Gwendal glanced at his cat. He then glanced at the clock. A quarter to twelve. He ran his hands over his face, sighing deeply once more.

Might as well go to Gunter's rooms. Resolving this might not be such a bad idea, after all. He may not be able to sleep for another week if he didn't, and lord knows for how long he would not be able to look Gunter in the eye.

Damn it.


Gunter's rooms were located in the southern section of the castle. Gwendal didn't come there often, as it contained mostly guest rooms, most of which were empty. Wolfram's room was in the same section, but it wasn't used often now that Wolfram spent nearly every night with His Majesty (Gwendal tried not to think about that one too much. He was almost certain that nothing ever happened between them, mostly because His Majesty wouldn't even know what to do, but the small chance that it did make him feel a little... nauseous. The brat was his baby brother, after all).

He stood outside Gunter's door for a full 10 minutes, a part of him still wanting to run back to his room, hide his head under a pillow and not come out for another week or so. He took a deep breath and knocked.

"Yes?" came the answer from inside. Taking another deep breath, Gwendal opened the door.

Gunter stayed in one of the more luxurious guest rooms. It offered a large four-poster bed, a comfortable sitting area, and a small but adequate private bath. The room was decorated in light colours, whites and soft blues, and had started to carry Gunter's touch, seeing that Gunter had been staying there for a quite a while. A large bookcase, filled with what Gwendal knew to be only a small portion of Gunter’s private collection, covered one wall. A bouquet of white roses stood on an end table, and the room was lit only by an oil lamp by his bedside and a candle on the reading table. Gunter was sitting in a plush, comfortable chair, a book open on his lap. He was, especially for Gunter's custom, very casually dressed, having stripped down to only a simple white tunic and trousers. His feet were bare, tucked under his legs as he read. Gwendal felt very overdressed, still wearing his full military uniform.

"You came," was Gunter's surprised response. He unfolded his legs and took his glasses off. "I didn't think you would anymore."
"Yes, I... was doubting whether or not I should for a long time," Gwendal said, shifting from one foot to another. He was oddly nervous. He took a few steps towards Gunter and stopped again, unsure of what to do next. He wasn't very good at this, not very good at all, so he settled for standing there looking disgruntled.
"I'm glad you did," Gunter said. He smiled and stood up, putting his book away. "It's good that you did." Gwendal nodded, looking around the room before looking at Gunter. They stood quietly for a few moments, trying to think of something to say. Gwendal was quite certain this was the most awkward situation he had ever been in (and that was counting being walked in on by his mother, yes).

"So..." Gunter said.
"So," Gwendal replied.

The kiss began so naturally that Gwendal wasn't even sure who had initiated it. All he knew was that before he even realized they had stepped closer together Gunter already had his arms around his neck and his lips on his. He placed his hands on Gunter's back, pressing him close. Gunter smelled of soap and his hair was slightly damp - Gwendal supposed he must have bathed after dinner. His body was warm and firm. He was only slightly shorter than Gwendal but much slimmer, and Gwendal had to admit that the small frame was quite a perfect fit for wrapping his arms around.

Gunter moaned softly, nibbling on Gwendal's lips before pushing his tongue into his mouth. He tasted clean too, of mint and fresh water. He dragged his mouth away from Gwendal's, down his jaw, dipping one finger into Gwendal's collar and pulling it down to nibble on Gwendal’s throat. Gwendal shivered, running one hand through Gunter's hair, down his back, to rest on his backside. A flutter of air against his throat confirmed a quiet giggle from Gunter, who snuggled closer and bit down softly on his pulse. Gwendal kissed him on the ear, smiling to himself. This was... quite agreeable. Particularly now they were in the privacy of Gunter's rooms, which made it easier for Gwendal to submit himself to it. Nobody would know. Or at least, nobody other than Gunter. He could live with that.

Gunter kissed back up his jaw and angled their mouths together again, kissing him wetly. His hands came down and nimbly started unbuttoning Gwendal's coat. Gwendal let him, letting his arms fall by his sides so Gunter could pull it off (he tried not to wince when it fell to the floor). Gunter made equally short work of his undershirt, though he did not pull that one off entirely - instead he sighed contently when finally encountering bare skin and slid his hands into Gwendal's shirt, across his chest and around his back. Gwendal broke the kiss to press his face into Gunter's neck, smelling his hair. Gunter pressed himself close against Gwendal, his now unmistakeable erection prodding against Gwendal's hip. He pressed harder, placing his hands on Gwendal's shoulders to push gently and Gwendal got the hint, carefully walking backwards until the back of his legs his Gunter's bed.

He sat down and looked up at Gunter. Gunter's cheeks were pink, his pupils large, making his eyes look dark. Gunter straddled his lap, leaning down to kiss him while he carefully pulled the tie out of Gwendal's dark hair, allowing it to fall freely around his shoulders. Gwendal started pushing up Gunter's tunic, breaking the kiss to pull it over Gunter's head. He ran his hands down Gunter's bare chest, appreciating the pale, soft skin before attaching his mouth to a pert, pink nipple. He was rewarded with a typically high-pitched little yelp and a rough grind of hips against his own. Sensitive, then. That was good to know.

Gunter's eager grinding had brought an issue of his own to the forefront - he was hard. And not even a little bit. His cock was pressed painfully against the front of his trousers, and while Gunter's grinding was more than welcome, it bordered on unbearable. He brought his hands down between them and fumbled with his buttons, his fingers trembling slightly but he managed to undo his fly and give himself some more much-needed room. While he was down there he figured he might as well do Gunter the same favour. He pressed the palm of his hand against the front of Gunter's crotch, massaging his dick through his trousers. Gunter actually squealed, arching his back and pushing against his hand. Gwendal grinned against Gunter's chest as he undid Gunter's trousers and deftly pulled out his cock.

Gunter writhed prettily, getting significantly louder. Seeing and hearing him like this stirred a deep, almost primal lust in Gwendal. He let go of Gunter's cock and lifted him off his lap to plop him unceremoniously across the bed. Gunter laughed, scooting further back onto the bed as Gwendal peeled him out of his trousers. He pulled his own boots off as well and climbed onto the bed, kneeling to admire Gunter who now lay completely naked and hard as a rock across the white, fluffy sheets on his bed. Tall and slender, with long pale limbs, narrow hips and chest, his cock curling almost gracefully upwards towards his belly button. He realized the adjective that came to mind was almost worn-out when it came to describing Gunter, but good grief the man was beautiful. He smiled coyly at Gwendal, leaning back on his elbows, more than aware of how good he looked, before sitting up on his knees to kiss him roughly. Gwendal ran his hands down Gunter back and squeezed his buttocks, then grabbed his hips and gently indicated he wanted him to turn around. Gunter followed compliantly, pressing his entire back flush against Gwendal's chest. Gwendal put one arm around Gunter's shoulders and wrapped his other hand around Gunter's cock. The angle was comfortable, not unlike when he did this to himself, and he attempted some techniques he knew he enjoyed best to test Gunter's response. The response was... quite vocal. "Ngg... ah Gwendal... you're... very good at that," he gasped, arching his back and pressing his backside against Gwendal's groin. Gwendal moaned, clamping his mouth down on Gunter's shoulder and sucking hard, determined to leave a mark on the pristine skin (no swordsman ever should have skin that flawless. It was unnatural, and Gwendal would be damned if he let Gunter get away with it).

He trailed his free hand down Gunter's chest, tweaking a nipple as he went, and down his stomach (which rippled adorably under his fingers - ticklish, now that was just delightful). He cupped Gunter's balls, gently tugging on them before moving his hand down even further to press the dry tip of his finger just past the tight ring of muscle of Gunter's arse. Gunter gasped, then moaned loudly. "Wait, wait, I have... ngk oh dear lord... I have stuff wait..." he babbled, leaning forward to reach for his bedside drawer. He rummaged around inside it, on his hands and knees, his ass up in the air, and Gwendal could not resist so fine a feast spread so unintentionally before him.

He lightly smacked Gunter's ass, which earned him a yelp and a giggle, then bit down gently on one round cheek. Using one hand to grab Gunter's cock as it dangled between his legs and the other to spread his cheeks apart he pressed his face between them, flicking his tongue against Gunter's opening. Gunter stopped fumbling around in the bedside drawer, instead let out some kind of unintelligible cry before pressing his face into a pillow, his fingers digging into the mattress. Gwendal teased him, licking around his anus and pressing the tip of his tongue into it. Gunter's cock throbbed in Gwendal's hand. He raised his head, crying out Gwendal's name loudly, and Gwendal felt very, very thankful that his brother was in His Majesty's room (now there was a first).

He pulled his head back and smoothly slid his finger into Gunter's now spit-slick hole. Gunter let out a high-pitched keening sound, hand going back into the drawer. It came out clutching a small bottle of oil, which he thrust blindly back at Gwendal. "Use... angh... use this," he spat out, all but throwing the bottle at Gwendal's head. Gwendal took his finger out and replaced it with two, now slick with oil. He'd used quite a lot, some of it dripping decadently down Gunter's fair thighs. Gunter cried out again, pushing himself up, supporting his weight with his hands as he began rocking back onto Gwendal's fingers. He had three up there now, and watched in amazement as Gunter started moving back and forth onto his hand. Everyone knows him as the most beautiful and honourable man of the court, he thought, in awe, and I have him riding my hand like any wanton whore. Gunter's obvious enjoyment, very vocal and very visual, was the most arousing thing he had ever had the pleasure to witness. He didn't even have to move his hand anymore, instead he settled for curling his fingers just so and letting Gunter go crazy.

It didn't last long, though. "Oh... ah, good lord... Gwendal... ngh! Just... just fuck me already!" Gunter exclaimed. Hearing Gunter, of all people, use such a low-bred expletive damn near short circuited Gwendal's brain. In a matter of seconds he had pulled his fingers out, oiled up his prick and with one smooth push had thrust himself balls deep into Gunter's ass. Gunter actually screamed, then shuddered, and before Gwendal even realized what was happening was he was already coming, ejaculating all over the sheets. His muscles contracted around Gwendal, who kept thrusting deeply, pulling almost all the way out then pushing back in. Spent, Gunter collapsed, his chest pressed into the mattress but his ass still up in the air, thighs trembling. Gwendal grabbed his hips to keep him up, then began plunging faster, with short and almost brutal thrusts. He groaned - it was exactly the kind of stimulation his dick had needed. It didn't take him too long to follow Gunter, as with just a few thrusts he too was coming, shooting his seed deep into Gunter's body. He rode out his orgasm, clutching for purchase on Gunter's hips, then let go, his dick slipping out of Gunter's swollen hole. Gunter flopped down onto the bed, thighs still trembling, and Gwendal all but collapsed on top of him. They lay together, breathing heavily, coming down from their highs, Gwendal pressing small kisses on Gunter's shoulder blades. He felt a little dizzy.

He was still half dressed, which was starting to feel mighty constrictive, and some of the stickier parts of him were getting uncomfortably itchy. He rolled off of Gunter and sat up, running a hand through his hair and taking a deep breath. Gunter rolled onto his side, his back to Gwendal, peeking up at him from the corner of his eye. His face was red, his eyes glassy but satisfied, smiling lazily. He yawned, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. Gwendal smiled. Cute, he thought as he scooted off the bed and padded to the adjoining private bath to clean himself up a little.

When he returned he had taken off his shirt and trousers and placed them on a chair, neatly folded. He picked his jacket up from the floor and hung it off the chair as well, and remembered to blow out the candle on the reading table. He didn't realize that Gunter had already fallen asleep until he was already climbing across him to get back into bed. He watched him for a moment - cheeks still flushed, lips pink and swollen and slightly parted, silver hair fanned out across the pillow. Cuter, he thought, satisfied. He turned down the oil lamp on the bedside table and laid down next to him, pulling the blankets up around them as he snuggled against Gunter's back. He put his arm around Gunter's chest and pressed his face into his hair, sweetly kissing the shell of his ear before settling down and closing his eyes.


Gwendal never slept well when he was sleeping in a bed that wasn't his own. It was really quite a horrendous trait for a soldier to have, but he had never figured out the secret of being able to sleep everywhere like, for instance, Conrad was able to. Usually if he was in a different bed for a longer period of time he got used to it, even if it was just because exhaustion would, eventually, take over, but the first few nights he'd never manage more than a light doze until the morning came.

Not that dozing peacefully next to Gunter was that bad, though. Gunter wasn't such bad company when he was awake, perhaps not always the best Gwendal kept but better than most even on a bad day, but asleep and thus quiet he was pretty much a dream to be around. He snuggled a little closer, enjoying the way he smelled and felt and listened to his soft, steady breathing. It was still dark outside, but Gunter's curtains were fairly flimsy and let in enough moonlight to be able to make out his face. Even now his hair seemed to catch the light and reflect it ever so subtly. He propped himself up, leaning his head on his hand, and looked down at him. He was so lovely, and he looked so sweet and relaxed, one hand curled up under his cheek. Gwendal reached out and gently, very gently, brushed some of his hair away from his face, tracing the curve of his jaw from his chin all the way up to his ear.

The warm rush of affection he felt, pouring outwards from his heart through his veins, took him by surprise. He wanted to hug Gunter closer. He wanted to press against him, kiss him, slip his cock back inside his body and stay that way, locked intimately together. He wanted Gunter to be all his, and he never, ever wanted to leave this bed again.

He immediately stopped his train of thought. Oh. Oh, dear. This was... he was falling in love with him. He, Gwendal von Voltaire, the scourge of the human world and fearless leader of the demon army, was falling in love with Gunter von Kleist, a man he'd known for decades to be over-the-top and obnoxiously maudlin. That was... unexpected. His heart started pounding in his chest, his face suddenly growing very, very hot. He felt irrationally angry at himself for being suddenly so... sentimental.

Also, Gunter was awake, looking up at him.
"You're frowning again. Stop that," he drawled, voice thick with sleep.
Gwendal looked at him, then wrapped his arms around him and stubbornly pressed his face between Gunter's shoulder blades. Gunter laughed hoarsely.
"Cute. Mmm... I fell asleep, didn't I? I’m sorry." He wriggled loose out of Gwendal's grasp and turned around, bringing them face to face, smiling sweetly at Gwendal.
"Don’t apologize," Gwendal muttered. "It doesn't matter."
"I suppose it doesn't... mmm, I feel so... satisfied." Gunter chuckled, snuggling closer to press a kiss to the corner of Gwendal's mouth. Gwendal tilted his head to capture his mouth for a real kiss.

"Mmnice... I never thought you'd be so cuddly," Gunter mumbled after they broke the kiss. Gwendal didn't respond and instead opted for twirling a lock of Gunter's hair around his finger, lost in thought. They lay silently for a while, until Gunter rolled over onto his stomach and propped himself up on his elbows, looking down at Gwendal.

"Gwendal... I feel I should tell you, um... I didn't invite you over here with the intention of... well, you know... seducing you." Even in the twilight Gwendal could tell Gunter was blushing.
"Oh...' Gwendal said. "Oh!". It dawned on him that he had, apparently, misconstrued Gunter's intentions. He suddenly felt very silly, and slightly confused. "But then why did we...?" He frowned. "You seemed to definitely enjoy - "
"Oh lord, I did, of course I did!" Gunter laughed, hiding his face in the pillows for a moment. "I hadn't intended for this to happen, but I definitely... making love to you was quite wonderful." He looked up and smiled.

Making love. Only Gunter could use that expression for what they did earlier with a straight face. Any gooey feelings Gwendal might currently be experiencing aside, what they did earlier? Had very little to do with love, and a whole deal more with lust.

"I just want you to know that I don't generally make a habit out of inviting men into my bed," Gunter finished, reaching out for a lock of Gwendal's hair.
"I was already thinking that such a proposal was out of character for you," Gwendal softly said. "I apologize for misunderstanding."
"Don't! I already told you, what happened tonight was... nothing short of amazing. I had just hoped you could come here so we could, well, talk." He let Gwendal's hair slide through his fingers. "I still hope we could do so, actually. Maybe even more so now."

Gwendal sighed and rolled onto his back. "Good lord, not this again. Why? Why do you need to talk about everything? Can't you just accept things as they come?"
Gunter was quiet. "I can," he finally said, carefully weighing his words, "I just - I guess I would just like to know if I can expect more amazing nights like this, or if I have to... make do with the memory of this one." He looked away.

Gwendal mulled it over for a minute. "More nights like this... would be preferable," he then answered, softly. For him, this was about the equivalent of offering his heart to Gunter on a silver plate. He most dearly hoped Gunter wouldn't crush it.

Gunted looked at him and smiled brightly. "That's... that's lovely," he said, before snuggling close against Gwendal. "That would make me very happy." Gwendal wrapped his arms around him, pressing him tightly against his chest. "Me too," he answered quietly. Gunter looked up at him, smiling just a little too brightly. "Really? Oh Gwendal!" he exclaimed before burrowing enthusiastically against him.

Gwendal sighed. Something told him he was going to regret this. But, he thought as he looked down at Gunter who was happily squishing his face against his chest, - maybe not.


fanfiction: 2010, gwendal x gunter

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