Title: Big Bang Tale of the 4 Millennia Past
Chapter: 4: In Which Arsenio is Sandwich Meat
Author: Myself
Rating: M for erotica IN THIS CHAPTER
Fandom: Kyo Kara Maou
Pairing: Great One/Great Sage
Notes: Yeah, here's the smut! Though, if you don't wanna read the smut but do wanna read the fic, I set this up so that you can continue on to the next page without missing anything. I just put this here 'cause Mus never wants to rp the smut, but I like it 'cause...I dunno, I like how these guys can do this sort of thing with each other for stress relief n' stuff and still just be friends ^^ (though Rufus and Zigbert are technically lovers, they let Arsey in sometimes :p)
Link to it on FFN: