Title: Big Bang Tale of the 4 Millennia Past
Chapter: 2: Into the Owl's Nest
Author: Myself
Rating: M for future erotica
Fandom: Kyo Kara Maou
Pairing: Great One/Great Sage, some Gwendal/Gunter, possible mentions of Yuri/Wolfram (at the end)
Notes: And heeeere's Arsey :p While watching Age of Glory (which is the only canon base I use at all in this), I realized that their faces and the way they speak lead one to believe that they've met before, so here's my take on that. And no, Arsenio didn't get a good enough look to see that he really is a double-black, so the comment he makes under the tree still makes sense. And yeah, he can pick locks :p Explanation for that'll come in some other chapter, but it's not that big a deal.
Link to it on FFN:
www.fanfiction.net/s/5989277/2/Big_Bang_Tale_of_the_4_Millennia_Past(by the way, it's also on Y!Gallery, same username as here: DessArtem)