Fanfiction: Reviere

Feb 23, 2010 14:21

Title: Reviere
Author: EggDropSoup
Rating: M for Content.
Characters/Pairings: One sided Yuuram. Implied GwenXAnis.
Genre: Suspense/Drama
Chapter: Chapter 1
Warnings: Sexual Content. Slash. Yaoi.
Summary: Wolfram knew this wasn’t real, but he could believe and he could hope. In this moment nothing mattered. The only thing that did was Yuuri’s voice and the hands that made his overly sensitive skin come alive.
Author’s Notes: My first fanfic for this fandom. :) I'm new to the fandom and to this comm, so please let me know if I did something wrong as far as the rules go. Thanks. <3

Click here.

gwendal x anissina, fanfiction: 2010, yuuri x wolfram: 2010+, author - youlooksofine

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