Letters From His Mind (1/1)

Oct 31, 2009 17:57

Title: Letters From His Mind

Author: isumi_ilde

Rate: T

Pairing: YuuriWolfram, parental YuuRamGreta

Warning: Shounen-ai, excessive OOC-ness, and Royal Family fluff. Un beta-ed, since I don’t want to bother my beta-she seems to be very busy at the moment. Might cause confusion, please see your doctor if your eyes burn from reading this. Read at your own risk.

Disclaimer: No, I don’t own Yuuri and Wolfram since they own each other, and Takabayashi Tomo-sensei own Maruma. Inspired by Taylor Swift’s You Belong to Me.

Summary: Yuuri's fiancee left, sending him letters that had the smell of sunflowers. He was happily living in his own imagination, that was, until Greta told him the truth. Shounen-ai, YuuriWolfram, Royal Family fluff.

Author Notes: For my soulmate, Rizu, and milkyxduckie a.k.a Tammy-chan. Happy birthday, both of you!

It's a oneshot, but divided into two since LJ said it's too long. *pouts*

Part 1
Part 2

Do enjoy and leave a comment..

yuuri x wolfram: 2004-2009, author - isumi_ilde, greta, fanfiction: 2009

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